View Full Version : Not exactly a nigger story, but why are whites so damn naive? (White American in Japan interview)

01-02-2024, 03:28 PM
Fast forward to 22:33 for his views on the need for more foreigners in Japan:


The Japanese, despite suffering from population decline and low fertility rate, are understandably reluctant to allow more foreigners in or make it easier for foreigners to settle, because they're concerned about increasing crime rates that people from certain countries bring. Japan is a clean, safe country, with fairly low corruption, low scams, high average IQ, and next to no societal tension, and they want to keep it that way. This American guy feels its "waycisst". The Japanese know what is happening in London, Paris, and Stockholm due to the high influx of niggers and sandniggers. They know about high nigger cities like Detroit, Baltimore, Atlanta and how awful they are. They know that immigrant communities in the US and EU are integrating poorly. And they don't want that. They already have a "preview" of 3rd worlders , as there are Nigerians and Iranians living in Tokyo, and they're known for scamming and harassing both locals and tourists.

01-02-2024, 03:44 PM
Japan believes in their origins, their race, their destiny. They don't want co-Asians like Koreans or Chinese, etc., because they're not Japanese. Racist? Segregationist? Yes. Heck, they even consider someone born in Okinawa not real Jap, or Ainus, their northerly relatives that they consider ethnically not real Jap. You may have Jap blood but if not born there, you're nothing. BTW I just say Jap not to be disrespectful, just for brevity.

Japanese would rather die and be extinct rather than be mongrelized with turd world shit. Who wants a border nigger for a son inlaw? Rather die proud than be diluted with what they know as less than them.

I don't begrudge them wanting to preserve their cultural identity, their race, their ways. They know niggers and border niggers, and they know they have nothing good to contribute to society.

01-02-2024, 04:58 PM
How dare they not want an influx of savage Africoons, bringing rape, robbery, filth, and disease into their country? They need to be more tolerant and inclusive! Don't they desire the cultural enrichment other countries are enjoying?24142

01-02-2024, 09:42 PM
Japan is #1 on my bucket list. I want to go so badly to see a civilization without a dirty imposed upon mud flood. The cracker in the video needs his balls removed. Telling the Japanese what they should be doing to make his life better. What a cunt.