View Full Version : North Carolina nigger ‘pastor’ attempted to deep fry another nigger at McDonalds

01-01-2024, 12:26 PM
According to the business insider, a black ‘pastor’ tried to deep fry another monkey at McDonalds who disrespected his wife. I am still attempting to fully understand what happened, but as everyone knows these feral baboons are impossible to understand.


01-16-2024, 02:11 PM
He was just performing culinary experimentations with new recipes for Ghetto Lobster with deep frying.

Groid-on Ramsey

Hell's Coon-tchen. That sambo is foooking rawwwwwwwwwwww shanequa!

01-24-2024, 12:57 PM
I once had to deal with a coalburner and her nigger boyfriend that assaulted me at a Jimmy John's almost a decade ago. The plot was pretty much exactly the same: the dumb fucking twat thought I disrespected her so she called up her nigger while I was out making a delivery, and when I came back, he entered the store and attacked me when I was working on making a sandwich. I was caught unaware because I didn't think anyone would be fucking insane enough to actually do something like that.
I have since learned my lesson. Never, EVER fucking relax around niggers and niggerlovers. Those mindless animals are worse than pitbulls.

01-27-2024, 03:57 PM
"Disrespeck", mad-dogging, or calling out of name, etc always results in acts of feral violence.

"The incidents described in this complaint are not random or unforeseeable," the workers claimed in the 2019 suit. "Rather, they are part of a citywide and nationwide pattern at McDonald's restaurants.

Of course, it's forseeable. Got niggers? You got chimpouts.

Bull Whip
01-29-2024, 08:09 AM
Never, EVER fucking relax around niggers and niggerlovers. Those mindless nigger animals are worse than pitbulls.

That's for sure...it's been my motto for a very long time. Niggers Are Violent spontaneous unpredictable time bombs, ANY nigger at ANY time is TOTALLY capable of Chimping out.

02-06-2024, 04:47 PM
One time I accidentally dropped a plastic lid into boiling oil and the smell was rancid. Could you imagine how bad deep fried coon would smell? That store would have to be demolished as a haz mat hazard and the remains buried in one of those isolated nuclear waste pits.

I imagine it would smell like a mix between the plastic lid I dropped and hot burning asphalt with days old fecal matter BO sprinkled on top.