View Full Version : Nigger ' pastor ' tries to dunk McDonald's worker's head in deep fat fryer

01-01-2024, 08:42 AM
A claimed ' pastor ' nigger went to aid its sow, who was training to be a manger at a local McDonalds. The sow was ' dis-uh-ruh-spek-tud ' by another worker. It then called the grand old Silverback to come down and fix it. The child of Jesbus then attempted to stick the worker's head in the deep fat fryer until other employees intervened.


Waden also punched the victim several times in the face, police allege, and did not stop striking the victim until multiple employees were able to pull Waden off of the victim.

Whitey Ford
01-01-2024, 07:45 PM

According to his Facebook page, Waden works as a “Semi Truck Driver” and is pastor of Elevated Life International Ministries, which recently celebrated its second anniversary. Waden’s church (slogan: “Where Hope Starts, And Life Begins”) has operated from a storefront space next door to Bueno Burrito in Thomasville.

It is unclear what effect last night’s melee will have on Gladney’s managerial aspirations at McDonald’s (pictured below). (2 pages)


The man’s wife is no longer employed by McDonald’s.



01-01-2024, 09:53 PM




Nigger can't just be a preacher, he's gotta be a "Bishop!" Niggers live in Fantasyland.

Every time I see this, I think of that degenerate nigger "Bishop" Desmond Tutu.

Despite his membership in the nigger clergy, his actions are pure ghetto nigger.