View Full Version : Elderly Man Beaten And Robbed By Two Good Samaritans On Their Way To Jeebus Meeting

Tar Remover
12-31-2023, 12:43 PM
Can't think of a species of ape that actually goes out of it's way to prove every stereotype about them to be true. God I despise these stupid, black animals....


The comment section is PHENOMENAL!

12-31-2023, 04:39 PM
First CoonTube comment was...

Imagine a group of people so disgusting and offensive, they pass laws to try and prevent you from hating them.

I totally agree as I'm sure you all do too. Just need to change ' people ' to niggers.

Niggers are Useless
12-31-2023, 05:45 PM
Whoever was driving that truck in the background should be ashamed of themselves. If it was a nigger driving it would have helped beat the old man, so it had to be a human of some sort. He/She didn't have to get out and shoot em which would have been proper but would have cost them everything as the justice system only works for niggers now. They could have just laid on the horn and blocked the niggers in. We have become overly conditioned to overlook nigger activity and accept that there is nothing we can do that will not end in our own misery and imprisonment.

Defund Welfare
12-31-2023, 06:01 PM
Whitey be oppressin dem niggas by makin dem fat.

I also abhor those damn dirty apes. I can’t ever recall seeing any other group assaulting old people and children just for touching property, only wild animals assault the young, sickly, or geriatric for an easy meal. This is why niggers do not deserve equality, EVER. Back to Apefrica for the lot of em.

01-01-2024, 11:33 PM
First CoonTube comment was...

I totally agree as I'm sure you all do too. Just need to change ' people ' to niggers.

That's a great first comment. 100% true.