View Full Version : 200 niggers gooded ' for sport ' in Nigger-geria

12-31-2023, 11:22 AM
So nice to see that niggers have gifted themselves some gooding this Christmas season !!

200 coons got chopped up for sport in Africa's most niggerated nation. I care not that these coons claim to be Christian, but gooded coons is all I care for.


Armed bandits ran amok, according to Amnesty International, in some 20 communities across central Nigeria, killing more than 140. In a country where accurate statistics are traditionally hard to come by, some sources have put the death toll closer to 200.

Keep the axes swinging niggers. We don't need you, you don't need you and the world doesn't need you !

Niggers are Useless
12-31-2023, 06:20 PM
Give those niggers another fresh load of axes. They can do better I am sure.

Defund Welfare
12-31-2023, 06:35 PM
This doesn’t seem very newsworthy. Niggers kill each other for sport in the dozens daily in our urban jungles.
I am always grateful to hear about dead niggers, however!! Is there any reason to send these niggers food? Sounds like they got some good eatin now! And calling them Christians doesn’t humanize them at all to me, they commit every sin known to man and make no effort to atone. Satans just picking them up for their judgement. Bye niggers!