View Full Version : Moorish Nigger Fail.

12-30-2023, 07:26 PM
From one of my favorite YouTube channels: A couple of Moroccan Diplomats run into the police in St Petersburg, Florida.

Sovereign citizens are always tedious, but niggers sovereign citizens even more so.

These two niggers, son and mammy, claim to Moroccan Dignitaries, complete with bullshit license plates, a little flag on the vehicle, and phony ID.

These police are no nonsense and don't mess around with the niggers. One of the most frustrating things to see is when police spend time arguing with these delusional sons-a-bitches.

Almost immediately the officers places stop sticks under the wheels in case the nigger tried to run. A Sargeant was called as soon as the stop was initiated, because everyone knows the amount of bullshit that was coming. Other officers responded as well. Occasionally sovereign citizens get violent and have to be put down.

The Sargeant was hilarious and firm. She looks at the bullshit ID the nigger presented, and offered to call the Moroccan Embassy. A nice touch.

Like every other nigger, this rope-headed jigaboo insisted he was exempt from all laws.

As it turns out neither the nigger nor it's mammy are exempt as they were both arrested. The nigger mumbling his sovereign citizen bullshit the entire time.

Besides no legitimate license plates, drivers license, or proof of insurance, the VIN has been removed from the nigger's shitbox, a crime under Florida law.

The nigger was convicted of multiple charges and given probation, but failed that as well.

One thing that always kills me about sovereign citizens is they claim their vehicles are "not used in commerce" and hence exempt from traffic laws. Almost always, as the tow truck arrives, they cry that they need their rig for work! (commerce) The nigger tried that here, despite the van being covered in drywall dust inside, and mammy wearing a drywall company t-shirt!


Anyhow, fun to see niggers dealt with instead of coddled.


12-31-2023, 11:27 AM
Pre-spiking the niggermobil in case they try and ' scape frum dah po ' - now that's genius !! Knowing full well that niggers are guilty until proven guilty, this is smart thinking from the blue zoo keepers.

Niggers are Useless
12-31-2023, 06:19 PM
Yeah, I really like the pre spiking idea. Very smart and will ultimately save millions in damages along with countless white lives as the black ones don't matter. I hope this trend catches on nationwide with the (thanks coons R us) "blue zoo keepers".
I wonder if UNICEF is handing out sovereign citizen starter kits to any niggers crossing into this country illegally? If not, I bet there is a buck to be made by selling them outside the welfare agencies. God niggers are stupid.

Whitey Ford
12-31-2023, 09:28 PM
Oh, yes. The Moorish 'Sovereign Citizen' niggers. Any time you see niggers wearing a Red Fez, you can just bet you're going to hear about muh freedoms, muh sovereign, your laws don't apply to me , bix nood.


Ray Cizzums
01-01-2024, 01:28 AM
Niggers, please ! The Moors were Muslims with a suntan. They did not have wool hair, smash nose or blubber lips.
They were able to build ships, navigate, and contend with human military and naval forces for hundreds of years.
Meanwhile, in sub-Saharan Africa - niggers ate bugs and berries, muh dikkin' and chucking spears at each other....

01-01-2024, 11:05 PM
Yeah, I really like the pre spiking idea. Very smart and will ultimately save millions in damages along with countless white lives as the black ones don't matter. I hope this trend catches on nationwide with the (thanks coons R us) "blue zoo keepers".
I wonder if UNICEF is handing out sovereign citizen starter kits to any niggers crossing into this country illegally? If not, I bet there is a buck to be made by selling them outside the welfare agencies. God niggers are stupid.

Oh year. The sovereign citizen scam is a money maker for people selling "credentials" online. Everything from fake IDs, "diplomatic license plates, even fake passports. This shit is worldwide.

Most of these people lose their licenses, for whatever reason, and fall for this bullshit as a solution. In most cases, it would be considerably less expensive to simply follow the law.

Niggers are Useless
01-26-2024, 12:43 PM
Oh year. The sovereign citizen scam is a money maker for people selling "credentials" online. Everything from fake IDs, "diplomatic license plates, even fake passports. This shit is worldwide.

Most of these people lose their licenses, for whatever reason, and fall for this bullshit as a solution. In most cases, it would be considerably less expensive to simply follow the law.

Following the law is impossible for niggers. Their birth certificates are rap sheets and it’s not their culture.

01-26-2024, 02:06 PM
Even though Morocco 🇲🇦 is a typical Muslim Arab shithole, they wouldn't take any shit from these NAPAs..

01-26-2024, 05:04 PM
Pre-spiking the niggermobil in case they try and ' scape frum dah po ' - now that's genius !! Knowing full well that niggers are guilty until proven guilty, this is smart thinking from the blue zoo keepers.

I thought that being proactive like that was the BEST move!!

01-26-2024, 05:11 PM
Niggers, please ! The Moors were Muslims with a suntan. They did not have wool hair, smash nose or blubber lips.
They were able to build ships, navigate, and contend with human military and naval forces for hundreds of years.
Meanwhile, in sub-Saharan Africa - niggers ate bugs and berries, muh dikkin' and chucking spears at each other....

Very TRUE!! The majority of them came from what is now Lebanon and they were known as the Phoenicians in Ancient times. These people also built Carthage. I LAUGH when niggers claim that Hannibal Barca was a nigger when there is a famous bust of him and he looks exactly like a Greek or Roman of that time!! The worst is when the primates claim that Cleopatra was a nigger when she was Macedonian Greek and was a descendant of Ptolemy, who was a general who served under Alexander the Great.

01-27-2024, 01:05 PM
Very TRUE!! The majority of them came from what is now Lebanon and they were known as the Phoenicians in Ancient times. These people also built Carthage. I LAUGH when niggers claim that Hannibal Barca was a nigger when there is a famous bust of him and he looks exactly like a Greek or Roman of that time!! The worst is when the primates claim that Cleopatra was a nigger when she was Macedonian Greek and was a descendant of Ptolemy, who was a general who served under Alexander the Great.I've said this a 1000 times, niggers are born thieves and when they aren't stealing your car or TV, they are stealing histories and religions.