View Full Version : 19-time convicted felon "anti-violence professional" gets 10 years for accidentally shooting himself ass

Whitey Ford
12-29-2023, 02:18 AM
10 year sentence for ‘anti-violence worker’ who shot himself in the butt


A 19-time convicted felon working as an anti-violence professional who shot himself in the butt inside a Bucktown gas station has been handed a ten-year prison sentence for possessing the firearm that wounded him.

Gregory Sherman, 45, served as his own attorney at times but was ultimately convicted of Class X armed habitual criminal during a jury trial this summer, according to court records. Following a series of post-trial motions, Judge Mary Brosnahan sentenced him this month.

On July 9, 2022, Sherman walked into St. Elizabeth Hospital after a bullet passed entirely through his left butt cheek and struck his right foot, prosecutors said. He allegedly told Chicago cops that he had been closing a dispensary in the 1500 block of North Milwaukee when there was a fight outside, and someone fired shots, striking him as he walked by.

Surveillance video from the gas station allegedly showed Sherman standing in line when a flash erupted near his back pocket as he adjusted his pants.

After the flash, Sherman “jumped and then hobbled out of the gas station back to his vehicle,” a prosecutor claimed at Sherman’s bail hearing. Sherman allegedly stopped along the way to hand a “black object” to someone near the gas pumps.


Niggers are Useless
12-29-2023, 02:44 PM
A flash occurred from its back pocket after it adjusted it's pants. What kind of 10 cent guns do these niggers carry that go off that easily, dang. Too bad it didn't strike a femoral artery and give us a happy ending, the way it stands now this nigger will probably sue the pants manufacturer and the convenience store owners for its damages. This nigger got its jailhouse bar certification apparently so wait for it.

Ray Cizzums
12-29-2023, 03:16 PM
Niggers don't wear belts, and never use holsters, which often leads to them shooting their own muh dikk, ass, legs and feets.
They never learn, even after NY Giants nigger receiver Plaxico Burress ruined his career, shooting himself in "de laig".

12-29-2023, 07:52 PM
Niggers and guns, a dangerous combination that leads to everything negative.

12-30-2023, 08:13 PM
How the hell is ANYONE, much less a nigger, with that many felony convictions not serving life in prison without the possibility of parole? We need to make 3 strikes laws mandatory nationwide.

12-30-2023, 10:08 PM
How the hell is ANYONE, much less a nigger, with that many felony convictions not serving life in prison without the possibility of parole? We need to make 3 strikes laws mandatory nationwide.

You pay for that coon filth to vacation at NiggerU.... Three strikes and you get one right behind the ear. Third strike = mandatory combined appeal to be heard at 6 months of the final conviction. Upon the appeals court upholding the conviction, they filthy baboons are led out back to a waiting hole in the ground.

Prompt and severe justice is all these monkeys understand. They do not have the brain to understand lengthy appeals and a 'corrections' form of justice.


12-30-2023, 10:56 PM
Talk about a useless, made-up, woke nigger job, "anti-violence professional". I bet 99.5% of the shitstains in that field are niggers with a 4th grade education and a 20 year long felony record.

12-30-2023, 11:57 PM
You pay for that coon filth to vacation at NiggerU.... Three strikes and you get one right behind the ear. Third strike = mandatory combined appeal to be heard at 6 months of the final conviction. Upon the appeals court upholding the conviction, they filthy baboons are led out back to a waiting hole in the ground.

Prompt and severe justice is all these monkeys understand. They do not have the brain to understand lengthy appeals and a 'corrections' form of justice.


I would support that!

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-31-2023, 12:26 AM
How the hell is ANYONE, much less a nigger, with that many felony convictions not serving life in prison without the possibility of parole? We need to make 3 strikes laws mandatory nationwide.
Imagine how many felonies it has actually committed. I bet it’s in the thousand range.

12-31-2023, 12:41 AM
Niggers and guns, a dangerous combination that leads to everything negative.

but turns positive when they're gooding each other

12-31-2023, 03:57 PM
but turns positive when they're gooding each other

Touche, indeed, the only good thing that happens when niggers kill other niggers!

12-31-2023, 09:53 PM
Niggers and guns, a dangerous combination that leads to everything negative.

I'm a full supporter of nigger filth blasting away at one another... I'll even buy the ammo...