View Full Version : "Famous" niggette you never heard of , Tarashy Henson, cries niggerdile tears ova not gettin' paid !

12-25-2023, 07:46 PM
She said,

" The maff ain't maffin' ! "

F' me here we go again, every day , every way. Niggers just can't get petted or paid enough, and there's supposed to be a public dying to hand money
over to them, even when they're remaking a 35 y.o. movie, a nigger "classic" that already had the biggest mammy whale ever, Orca Wimfrey.

cry me a 40 oz river of Old English malt likka, nikka and STFU !



12-25-2023, 08:31 PM
Here's the real answer, nigger:. Salaries are based on gross receipts, from audience that want to see a movie. Most humans want to see a fairly attractive human, we aren't paying to watch a talking simian. We don't want to see butt ugly specimens of your foul species, and that's the truth. So you can cry all day, we don't want to support nigger cinema.

Why not ask Orca to pay you fairly?

12-30-2023, 09:00 PM
Hollywood has no imagination. Can only remake what was already made.

One "color purple" was enough for all time.