View Full Version : Ahhhz don't waannt no Tesla!

Whitey Ford
12-24-2023, 01:58 PM

Niggers are Useless
12-24-2023, 06:04 PM
That sow wants a Lincoln Navigator to cram her fat ass into. The tesla probably also doesn't want the nigger. Niggers are so ungrateful; her white stepdad probably went into debt over that crappy car as we know the ungrateful sow's mamma doesn't work and EBT isn't taken at tesla dealers.

12-25-2023, 12:38 AM
Now how can nigger rich niggers even afford a Tesla? It wants a Mercedes! Well nigger Mercedes or not you're still a stinky filthy ape!

12-26-2023, 10:11 AM
The libtards shriek, "Niggers only behave badly because dey be po' an sheeit!" But as it turns out, they behave even worse when they're rich.

12-26-2023, 11:00 AM
The libtards shriek, "Niggers only behave badly because dey be po' an sheeit!" But as it turns out, they behave even worse when they're rich.

BS! I grew up in poverty like no ghetto nigger has ever known, and I know for a CERTAINTLY that lack of money DOES NOT cause crime and nigger behavior. Their natural criminality and inability to adapt to human society, their desire to rape, rob and plunder, no concept of eonsequences for their actions, their greed and lust and lack of regard for life of others, is caused by their hard-wired Homo erectus DNA. Criminal nigger behavior is caused by defective sub-human mentality, not poverty. Humans need to deal with niggers exactly like they would deal with any other dangerous animal species.

Tar Remover
01-01-2024, 06:30 PM
Is you serious....? Illiterate niggers.

01-01-2024, 08:43 PM
Now how can nigger rich niggers even afford a Tesla? It wants a Mercedes! Well nigger Mercedes or not you're still a stinky filthy ape!

Tru DAT!!