View Full Version : Niggers steal a Banksy

Odin's balls
12-22-2023, 01:53 PM
Within 30 minutes of the 'art' being confirmed as genuine, niggers steal it.

Extra nigger points are awarded for using a stolen hire bike for a boost.

Banksy's new artwork is stolen from a south London street https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12893709/banksy-new-artwork-south-london-drones-traffic-stop.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton

Whitey Ford
12-22-2023, 04:12 PM
Banksy sucks, it's only fit for niggers anyway. ;)

Banksy is nothing more than a rip off of a much better French artist named Blek le Rat.


12-22-2023, 04:18 PM
To be honest, the nigger actually did the right thing. The Stop sign should not have been vandalized by nigger loving Banksy anyway. Who does this fucking left wing cunt actually think he is anyway ? To have placed that ' art work ' in nigger territory was simply starting the countdown clock on the first nigger to take it away anyway. So no fucks to give either way. Peckham is an exceeding disgusting and vile nigger nest in SE London - a true living dystopian hell, only fit the black monsters.

Whitey Ford
12-22-2023, 05:55 PM
To be honest, the nigger actually did the right thing. The Stop sign should not have been vandalized by nigger loving Banksy anyway. Who does this fucking left wing cunt actually think he is anyway ? To have placed that ' art work ' in nigger territory was simply starting the countdown clock on the first nigger to take it away anyway. So no fucks to give either way. Peckham is an exceeding disgusting and vile nigger nest in SE London - a true living dystopian hell, only fit the black monsters.

Pretty much. I like a good commissioned mural, but unsolicited nigger hieroglyphics are just the precursor to the arrival of more niggers. Just like roaches leave footprints of their own feces behind to blaze a trail for the arrival of more roaches, or hobos would leave coded symbols in front of a house to mark which ones would give free handouts, niggers are similar.



12-23-2023, 08:18 PM
They arrested the thieving nigger...


Of course it will get rewarded and told what a star it is as usual.

Ray Cizzums
12-23-2023, 08:46 PM
I'd blast that "Banksy" with explosive diarrhea, whistle a toodely-do, and be on my way.....

Whitey Ford
12-24-2023, 03:27 AM
I'd blast that "Banksy" with explosive diarrhea, whistle a toodely-do, and be on my way.....

Look, it's an original Banksy! :lol

12-24-2023, 07:06 AM
Pretty much sums up that ludicrously untalented cunt WF.