View Full Version : New York nigger reparations

Bull Whip
12-20-2023, 03:11 PM
Just saw were the democrapic governor of NY signed a law that creates s panel to study and come up with a plan to distribute millions and millions ONLY to niggers. There's NO nigger alive today that was ever a slave. The niggers want a LOT more than just $$$'s, it includes land, housing, and more niggers put in High paying govt jobs.....these Fukkers are Bat Shit Crazy...but.....So are the liberal democrapic governors that Are all for this BS..

Niggers are Useless
12-20-2023, 07:04 PM
The niggers will get that money too, wait and see, and when the state and the feds want to steal it back from the niggers in taxes, they will riot in the streets and burn buildings in mostly peaceful protests until they get that money tax free. Niggers always win anymore. It's us whites who keep getting fucked. But at the end of the whole rant, guess what NY....you voted for it, enjoy. Unfortunately, it's just the cities that wanted this kind of bullshit but Joe blow in Caroga Lake has to pay the bill.

12-20-2023, 10:32 PM
What will they do after they spend it all on clown shoes and jurry? Demand more? Of course they will.

12-21-2023, 11:57 AM
Look at a political map of NY state and you'll see it's almost all red. The poor suffering rural areas outside the Hudson Valley and the big destroyed nigger nest cities, need to break away from the insane nation destroying government they have now. New York is an open for all looting pit. The city is being robbed and the robbers will fill their coffers and head South to Florida to do the same there. Biblical parasitical locusts...and you know what ? Who can blame them. Niggers are useful pawns in the game to be used for your gain. If you can't beat them join them folks ! Why get angry when you can get smart ? The problem has past the point of no return, so fill your boots and enjoy the day !

Nick U. Fugger
12-21-2023, 05:52 PM
For a very brief moment I thought someone has suggested niggers should pay reparations for destroying the once great city. Then I remembered we're living in a clown world.

Those ungrateful parasites already got their reparations when Whites let their ancestors stay in the US after slavery and they should be every day on their knees thanking YT for that.