View Full Version : 'Candy Lady' selling that good nigger candy laced with drugs to the niglets

Whitey Ford
12-19-2023, 03:30 AM
Florida 'Candy Lady' Sold Drug-Infused Treats to Children: Police


According to Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office online booking records, Renee Leemasha Stephens, 32, of Tampa, was arrested on Dec. 11. She was charged with trafficking in fentanyl, possession of controlled substance with intent to sell, possession of cannabis, unlawful use of a two-way communication device, and maintaining a dwelling to traffic narcotics with minors present, according to a news release from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

On December 11, FDLE agents searched Stephens' home where they seized 153 grams of fentanyl, 100 fentanyl pills and marijuana, according to the statement, which noted agents also located 63 individually packaged snacks "resembling children's candy."
"The packages, made to look like chips, candy and cereal, contained marijuana," FDLE said. "During the investigation, agents learned that Stephens was known as the 'candy lady,' was reportedly selling drug-infused candy to children in the neighborhood."

During one controlled purchase, agents allegedly witnessed Stephens handling fentanyl while holding her infant child, the FDLE said in its news release.

On Dec. 11, FDLE agents searched Stephens’ home and discovered 153 grams of fentanyl, 100 fentanyl pills and marijuana, WTVT reported. Agents also found 63 individual packages that resembled packages of candy, chips and cereal, according to the television station. The packages contained marijuana, according to the FDLE.


12-19-2023, 09:06 AM
Florida 'Candy Lady' Sold Drug-Infused Treats to Children: Police



Since this is Florida, the fugly sheboon should do some time. If this happened in a "blue" state, the nigger would be released the next day without bail!!

12-19-2023, 09:44 AM
As niggers are likely to commit every type of crime by the time they reach the grandaddy old age of 30, niggers should be pre-charged with every crime in the statute book when they are shitted out. This would save the cops having to pick the most appropriate charges against the nigger felon at the crime time and waste everybody's day. As niggers are guilty until proven innocent, I think this would be the most cost effective means of legal enforcement against the shit beast.

12-21-2023, 03:34 AM
Florida 'Candy Lady' Sold Drug-Infused Treats to Children: Police



That is one very ugly nigger!,

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-21-2023, 10:18 AM
That is one very ugly nigger!,
Agreed. Don’t stare into it’s dark, soulless eyes or be turned to stone.

12-21-2023, 12:11 PM
Florida 'Candy Lady' Sold Drug-Infused Treats to Children: Police



There really is no sexual dimorphism in niggers. This could be a buck or sow. If I were told it's a buck I would believe it without question.

153 grams of fentanyl, 100 fentanyl pills

Two milligrams of fentanyl can be lethal depending on a person’s body size, tolerance and past usage.

At one time I would expect this vicious sow to get a life sentence, but now? Not so sure. Even if it does, that's not very satisfactory since then YOU will have to pay for its food, clothing, entertainment, health/dental care, etc for the next 50 years.

A permanent solution to the nigger problem is needed.

12-21-2023, 04:01 PM
Agreed. Don’t stare into it’s dark, soulless eyes or be turned to stone.

But... but... but, they are just like us!

Just think, there was language in the Declaration of Independence abolishing slavery immediately. Southern "Democrats" forced it's removal. Can you imagine how much better humanity would be had boatloads of these useless niggers never been sent to America!

12-21-2023, 04:05 PM
There really is no sexual dimorphism in niggers. This could be a buck or sow. If I were told it's a buck I would believe it without question.


At one time I would expect this vicious sow to get a life sentence, but now? Not so sure. Even if it does, that's not very satisfactory since then YOU will have to pay for its food, clothing, entertainment, health/dental care, etc for the next 50 years.

A permanent solution to the nigger problem is needed.

This may be a controversial opinion but instead of focusing on locking up end users, we should unalive everyone involved in the drug trade. They all have dead bodies on them. Do it and don't wait decades. That would solve a lot problems.

12-21-2023, 06:13 PM
But... but... but, they are just like us!

Just think, there was language in the Declaration of Independence abolishing slavery immediately. Southern "Democrats" forced it's removal. Can you imagine how much better humanity would be had boatloads of these useless niggers never been sent to America!

Or, if Lincoln had lived they'd all have been wrangled, packed up, and shipped to Liberia. We could have been nigger -free, well, at least until the Great Nigger and Muzzie Migration started when, for the first time in recorded history, parasitic, violent invaders are welcomed with open arms.

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-22-2023, 12:21 PM
But... but... but, they are just like us!

Just think, there was language in the Declaration of Independence abolishing slavery immediately. Southern "Democrats" forced it's removal. Can you imagine how much better humanity would be had boatloads of these useless niggers never been sent to America!
I imagine it all the time. If we rounded em all up and shipped em back to apefrica right now, the free world could be saved but we won’t. They will continue to destroy us from within and in the next century or so, this will be a third world shithole like everywhere else they inhabit.

12-25-2023, 01:11 PM
One last thing to remember: The first legally recognized slave owner in North America, the Virginia colony to be exact, was a nigger. It's always be niggers "victimizing" other niggers.

We all nigger bucks, roughly 6% of the population, commit over 70% of all violent crimes. Much of it against other niggers. They are a violent, despicable species. An invasive species.