View Full Version : Nigger Jaquann's Excellent K9 Adventure

12-17-2023, 08:52 PM
Today we have a wild ass violent nigger savage from Wisconsin.

Nigger Jaquann was driving without a license plate when spotted by police. A LONG and crazy pursuit happens, with Nigger Jaquann finally stopped by spike strips.

Nigger Jaquann jumps out of his hoopty, which hits the K9 officer who initiated the pursuit, temporarily pinning him between the two cars. The officer gets his K9 officer, Jakko and goes after the nigger. During the foot chase, Nigger Jaquann tries a carjacking, but as the video announcer notes, the driver "rejected his ass!"

Soon after, Nigger Jaquann was introduced to Officer Jakko. The screams of pain from the nigger are deliciously beautiful music!! His repeatedly saying how sorry he was, disingenuous.

Nigger Jaquann, who has a distinguished history as a violent savage, had two outstanding felony warrants and was carrying a stolen firearm.

After all of this, Nigger Jaquann was released on a $60,000 bond.

Running from police should carry a mandatory 5 years per minute chased. 10 if you are a nigger. That's on top of the other charges and punishment. That might stop some of this. Nigger Jaquann put a lot of lives in danger.

The nigger still had the stolen gun in his hand while Officer Jakko was chewing on him, and the other officers arrived. This could have ended in a more satisfactory manner.

Anyhow... Nigger Jaquann:


12-18-2023, 11:11 AM
" I beez surry mazza.....I beez surry mazza !! " - words which desperately need returning to our society, so we can attempt to get these rampant and wanton niggers under control. Then the long term ejection plan can be enforced.

Ray Cizzums
12-18-2023, 01:50 PM
I would boot nigger Jaquuan's head like a woolly soccer ball ! 24053

12-18-2023, 03:44 PM
Nigger sho wuz sorry that its black ass got caught.

12-18-2023, 03:58 PM
LOVE THAT DOG! I'd buy Jakko a MilkBone anytime!

As always just when I think I've seen World-Class nigger stupidity, there's always something worse!

I went to YouTube to view Jaquann's video, I saw another about a nigger in Kennesaw Georgia. The jig went to MdDonald's for a high-class meal, and discovered his french fries were not as hot as the nigger wanted. He got into a tiff with the manager who told the coon to leave. Well, this idiot want outside and called the Popo to come and straighten out the McD manager. The police, while writing the report, discovered Rastus had an outstanding warrant for MURDER!

Not even a NIGGER can be THAT stupid!!!

12-18-2023, 06:18 PM
Today we have a wild ass violent nigger savage from Wisconsin.

Nigger Jaquann was driving without a license plate when spotted by police. A LONG and crazy pursuit happens, with Nigger Jaquann finally stopped by spike strips.

Nigger Jaquann jumps out of his hoopty, which hits the K9 officer who initiated the pursuit, temporarily pinning him between the two cars. The officer gets his K9 officer, Jakko and goes after the nigger. During the foot chase, Nigger Jaquann tries a carjacking, but as the video announcer notes, the driver "rejected his ass!"

Soon after, Nigger Jaquann was introduced to Officer Jakko. The screams of pain from the nigger are deliciously beautiful music!! His repeatedly saying how sorry he was, disingenuous.

Nigger Jaquann, who has a distinguished history as a violent savage, had two outstanding felony warrants and was carrying a stolen firearm.

After all of this, Nigger Jaquann was released on a $60,000 bond.

Running from police should carry a mandatory 5 years per minute chased. 10 if you are a nigger. That's on top of the other charges and punishment. That might stop some of this. Nigger Jaquann put a lot of lives in danger.

The nigger still had the stolen gun in his hand while Officer Jakko was chewing on him, and the other officers arrived. This could have ended in a more satisfactory manner.

Anyhow... Nigger Jaquann:

Why do niggers think running from the cops and leading them on dangerous chases is a good idea? Never mind trying a carjacking with the cops right there! Yeah, I know - niggers don't think, but still...

Thank you. Second only to a batwinging, I do love seeing a nigger taken down by a K9 officer. Jakko is a really good boy. I think he was even going for the groid's muh dik, which prompted the "I beez sorreee!"

Before Libtardism, the cops would have administered a much-needed beating to the nog and he would have been a lot sorrier. Alas, those days are gone.

Defund Welfare
12-18-2023, 08:18 PM
Sick of these niggers coming up from Chicongo and bringing their TNB with them. High speed chases should be considered attempted murder for the danger it puts on others.
Slashing DEI funding is a nice start but next these niggers need to be locked up for longer. Sounds like its arrest wasn’t even an inconvenience to its daily monkeyshines. I suppose I should check who paid the 60k, if it’s the bail project again trying to get another parade massacre or if it was just drug money from its gang. If it’s the latter, the city probably just hoping to get more money off the stupid nigger when it gets arrested again tomorrow without consideration of who may be hurt or killed. I hope it’s another nigger.

12-18-2023, 08:50 PM
Sick of these niggers coming up from Chicongo and bringing their TNB with them. High speed chases should be considered attempted murder for the danger it puts on others.
Slashing DEI funding is a nice start but next these niggers need to be locked up for longer. Sounds like its arrest wasn’t even an inconvenience to its daily monkeyshines. I suppose I should check who paid the 60k, if it’s the bail project again trying to get another parade massacre or if it was just drug money from its gang. If it’s the latter, the city probably just hoping to get more money off the stupid nigger when it gets arrested again tomorrow without consideration of who may be hurt or killed. I hope it’s another nigger.

THe Bail Project? Oh, yes - Ms. Steinberg who cannot bear to see sad niggers in jail, even though some of the niggers she sprung went directly from NU to commit murder.

If you too want to see free-range niggers uncaged, please donate. We want justice for all criminiggers:


12-18-2023, 11:34 PM
LOVE THAT DOG! I'd buy Jakko a MilkBone anytime!

As always just when I think I've seen World-Class nigger stupidity, there's always something worse!

I went to YouTube to view Jaquann's video, I saw another about a nigger in Kennesaw Georgia. The jig went to MdDonald's for a high-class meal, and discovered his french fries were not as hot as the nigger wanted. He got into a tiff with the manager who told the coon to leave. Well, this idiot want outside and called the Popo to come and straighten out the McD manager. The police, while writing the report, discovered Rastus had an outstanding warrant for MURDER!

Not even a NIGGER can be THAT stupid!!!

Nigger had a warrant for murder. That's deliciously hilarious!

Niggers really are something.

12-18-2023, 11:39 PM
THe Bail Project? Oh, yes - Ms. Steinberg who cannot bear to see sad niggers in jail, even though some of the niggers she sprung went directly from NU to commit murder.

If you too want to see free-range niggers uncaged, please donate. We want justice for all criminiggers:


That bitch should be forced to take in all the niggers she and her "project" frees. I bet within 6 months one of her pet niggers would solve the problem for us!