View Full Version : Kissy's nigjocker clown army killing each other so they can get their muh dik on with her

Whitey Ford
12-15-2023, 07:15 PM
Man who searched ‘how to kill someone with a knife’ sentenced for stabbing ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend 100 times and trying to set his house on fire


A 39-year-old Florida man who authorities said searched on his work phone “how to kill someone with a knife” and other incriminating queries learned his fate this week after his conviction for stabbing his ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend 100 times and trying to set his house on fire.

The incident happened between 1 and 3 a.m. on Aug. 3, 2021, when the victim and his girlfriend awoke at his home to the smell of gasoline and smoke and then saw the front door on fire, prosecutors said.


Kissy Mackey, the girlfriend, called 911 to report the stabbing and fire at 3 a.m., telling officers she and the victim heard a knock at the door and he was stabbed by an unknown suspect, who set the front door area of the apartment on fire, the document said. An autopsy found the victim had been stabbed over 100 times all over his body. Several wounds were deep and appeared to be consistent with the use of a larger-style knife, authorities said in the affidavit.

Mackey said the suspect then took off on a bicycle. She said she got into her vehicle, chased him and ran him over. Blood was visible on the outside of her vehicle. She said she last saw him running and holding a gas can, which was later found in a rear yard. A search of trash cans nearby turned up a black backpack with a folding-style knife and a GPS tracking device.

While browsing “Randy Brown’s” Facebook account, a detective discovered a Black male in a picture posing with a black/gray trimmed “The North Face” backpack, like the one found in the trash can.


12-15-2023, 09:46 PM
That is some world class TNB!

Who, but a nigger, would have to look up how to kill someone with a knife! Especially on their own computer!!

The nigger escaping on a bicycle made me laugh out loud. Only a nigger.

Nigger Kissy says "mental health" is her biggest priority. That's obviously not true.

Well, one nigger goodified and one nigger off to Nigger University. Not a bad outcome.