View Full Version : Judge Andrewnetta arrested for coercion over cocaine, marijuana and booze use

Whitey Ford
12-15-2023, 03:02 AM
Shelby County judge indicted for harassment and coercion in alleged string of misconduct


Shelby County Criminal Court Judge A. Melissa Boyd has been indicted in Shelby County for one count of coercion of a witness and one count of harassment, according to court records.

Boyd was given a $5,000 bail, with the condition that she would be required to submit to drug tests throughout the court process.

The alleged incident, according to Agee, stems from an interaction between Boyd and her campaign manager, who told an oversight body that Boyd had used drugs, including marijuana and cocaine, since taking office and also would show up to the former manager's home and berate her.

Boyd was suspended from her position as a judge on May 23 after allegations of threatening "an acquaintance," soliciting money by using her role as a judge and substance abuse were levied against her. Part of the agreement Boyd and the board struck was that any violation of the suspension order would result in the order being made public via a public reprimand.


12-15-2023, 10:28 AM
A fine candidate for "Buck or Sow". Without the name, I would never know which this is no matter how long I looked.

Nigger judges...*sigh*. Is anyone really surprised that it got up to all kinds of monkeyshines?

Ray Cizzums
12-15-2023, 10:46 AM
Another 60 point IQ monkey, with a fake law degree, reverting back to it's genetic predispositions.
Note that this thing is only suspended. How much you want to bet that they'll come up with some
kind of "treatment", so the 'boon "gets the help she needs", and is allowed back in court. Ponderous....

12-17-2023, 04:03 AM
A nigger is a nigger is a nigger.

You can dress them up like humans, but they just aren't human. Being degenerate criminals is the nigger's natural state. Any nigger that isn't a criminal is probably defective.