View Full Version : Facebook diversity manager she boon Barbara Furlow-Smiles embezzled $4 million from the company

Whitey Ford
12-14-2023, 01:33 AM
Facebook diversity manager admits to stealing more than $4 million to fund her lavish lifestyle - including more than $18,000 to a preschool for tuition


A former global diversity executive at Facebook has pleaded guilty to stealing more than $4 million from the company.

Barbara Furlow-Smiles, 38, served as Lead Strategist, Global Head of Employee Resource Groups and Diversity Engagement at Facebook from about January 2017 to September 2021.

During that time, lawyers from the US Attorney's Office in the Northern District of Georgia said she cheated and defraud the company out of over $4 million.

She charged Facebook fraudulent invoices, then received kickbacks and used the money to live a luxury lifestyle in California and Georgia.


12-14-2023, 01:43 AM
A prime example that shows NO nigger is ever honest. From university presidents, diversity chiefs, deans of engineering schools, all niggers are a joke. My own alma mater used to have a spook chancellor, so nothing from me, nigger lovers. I believe in the rigor of academia, but the more I see niggers in top positions, the more I'm skeptical. That's why it doesn't impress me anymore that someone is from Harvard or Stanford or whatever, because they all kiss nigger ass. Nothing impresses me anymore, except those who see the light that all niggers are non-human and of a different inferior species. What's the greatest teacher? Experience. And always, niggers are a joke.

01-03-2024, 10:35 AM
Niggers have their get out of jail card to play every time..." dat rayciss " - seems to work quite well. Who can blame them ? It's like the chimp stealing the zoo keeper's bucket.

01-09-2024, 12:35 PM
Good I'm glad the she-ape scammed Facespook and Suckerbooger. It couldn't have happened to more deserving people. And what a totally useless AF job dievershitty coordinator, a total nigger parasite job.

01-09-2024, 07:21 PM
Good I'm glad the she-ape scammed Facespook and Suckerbooger. It couldn't have happened to more deserving people. And what a totally useless AF job dievershitty coordinator, a total nigger parasite job.

excellent point, a useless nigger, in a useless position, doing the same useless shit niggers always do, steal and then screech like a junglebat it's rayyyycisss to hold them accountable...

Just waiting to see a mugshot of this sow, deweaved, unmakeuped, and drawn faced, waiting to be put back in a cage where it belongs, won't hold my breath tho.

01-10-2024, 01:22 AM
Facespook and its anti-white, nigger-worshipping leader Cuckerberg got exactly what they deserved. Gibs a nigger the keys to the treasury and what do you expect?

I hope this nigger wasted all the money on crack, fried chicken, and bling for itself so none of it can be recovered and used to pay for anti-white propaganda.