View Full Version : Gen. Kelly Purged Obama’s JIHAD Policies From DHS

08-01-2017, 12:50 PM
During his brief stint at DHS, General John Kelly, President Trump’s new chief of staff, cleaned out the last of Obama’s “Jihad policies” from the Department of Homeland Security. The last of the holdovers, who help implement and uphold Obama’s “pro radical Islam” policies was ousted. George Selim, who is known for trying to offer legal autonomy to Islamic political groups, was asked to resign. Kelly’s goal was to get rid of the Obama-era cronies in order to implement more “pro-America” policies. From Breitbart The holdover official responsible for implementing former President Barack Obama’s failed “Countering Violent*Extremism” policy at the

More... (http://truthfeed.com/gen-kelly-purged-obamas-jihad-policies-from-dhs/96956/)