View Full Version : "I can do dis all day!" Nigger Sow Dances on Police Car, Rides the Lightning!

12-11-2023, 03:07 AM

So our video starts with a lovely nigger sow dancing on top of a police car. NAKED. Even the nigger recording this shit is disgusted!

The nigger eventually gets down from the SUV and gets tazed. Then it proceeds to shout; "I can do dis all day," repeatedly. Then the nigger does ět's best Amy Winehouse impression singing "Valerie," or at least trying.

At this point the nigger rolls on it's back and sticks it's legs in the air, airing out it's coochie pie. I can't even imagine the smell!

One thing is for absolute certain, we don't pay police nearly enough for them to have to deal with this kind of thing.

The comments are delicious. Whether you love Elon Musk or hate him, he's the best thing that ever happened to Twitter and Free speech.


12-12-2023, 02:48 AM
I love the way the poor cops use their feet, like kicking a dead skunk off the highway to control the nutty beast. Those shoes will need a full HAZMAT decon.

Defund Welfare
12-12-2023, 04:30 AM
Another fine example of why nobody wants niggers in their society, this is a niggerhood so it’s not as big of a deal but it’s no secret these niggers are slowly creeping into nicer areas bringing their degeneracy with them.
Would any respectable family want their kids to see this? Heck, I don’t even want to see this. Even a Beavis would have to be completely drunk to consider seeing it.
And I hate social media in general so it’s funny to see people complaining about the efforts of trying to show the world more examples of it not being racism that causes humans to avoid niggers like the spreading plague they are. Regardless of who is running it, seeing it cut back on its biased formalities is pretty great.

12-12-2023, 09:12 AM
I hope I never again hear anyone say these things are human!

Ray Cizzums
12-12-2023, 10:25 AM
I would tape the taser's trigger down, and go finish my coffee. Then I'd take a 6 month paid leave, due to PTSD...

Whitey Ford
12-12-2023, 07:24 PM
This poor officer was underequipped as he was not issued harpoons. :lol

I think that I will be skipping dinner tonight. :hurl

12-12-2023, 09:56 PM
Who but the nigger species acts this way? These are behaviors of the jungle, don't belong in civilized settings, so conclusion is niggers are not human. And to think, Harvard's president is of the same vile species!