View Full Version : Utterly useless ' poet ' nigger championed by BBC is no more...Benjamin Zephaniah deyad

12-07-2023, 12:04 PM
This ridiculous and remarkably untalented nigger, celebrated and praised as a chief pet by the insane BBC, has been naturally selected at last. This nigger was the reason why I could never watch the BBC's Peaky Blinders show. This nigger was installed in a Victorian England drama, which instantly became unwatchable.


'Benjamin was a true pioneer and innovator. He gave the world so much.

'Through an amazing career including a huge body of poems, literature, music television and radio, Benjamin leaves us with a joyful and fantastic legacy.'

The outpouring of ' praise ' for this irrelevant nigger has begun from the usual ' living off the public ' crowd.

Bye hopeless coon. Your legacy shall be flushed by me in a little while once that shit finishes brewing and is ready for discharge.

12-08-2023, 01:30 AM
Playing the role of Jeremiah in Cillian Murphy's street gang epic, Benjamin's character often served as the moral heart of the lawless group and won him critical acclaim.

Would we expect any less from a nigger, to demand morality from lawless, ruthless YT?

Mr Zephaniah broke into the literary world while performing du(M)b poetry alongside stand-up comedians and punk bands in 1980s London.

A sad loss of the poetic niggroe. Oh, well.

The comments are vomit-inducing.

12-08-2023, 04:01 AM
A nigger poet extraordinary, really now. Nigger coddling and worship at its finest. Moral niggers. I've heard everything. Pigs have flown. When did a savage African ever had morality, poetry, and all positive traits? It's the magic of magics! Hey, why not start your own Wakanda niggers?

All these BBC period pieces with niggers....just sickening.

12-08-2023, 11:53 AM
A nigger poet extraordinary, really now. Nigger coddling and worship at its finest. Moral niggers. I've heard everything. Pigs have flown. When did a savage African ever had morality, poetry, and all positive traits? It's the magic of magics! Hey, why not start your own Wakanda niggers?

All these BBC period pieces with niggers....just sickening.

Really, I'm starting to think he wasn't all that magic:

- unable to read or write at the age of 13
- served time in jail
- became embroiled in the criminal underworld as a teenaper
- serving time in a Borstal and later in prison.
- once beat a man up for being 'queer'.
- became so good at pickpocketing that he saw it as an 'art' in its own right.
- Beaten regularly by his late father,
- the way he treated some of his former partners was 'terrible'

I dunno., Sounds like a regular nigger to me. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe his poetry is literary genius:

I come from a great old forest
I think it is now a field
And the people I once knew
Are not there now.

Oh, well. Let's try another one:

Dis poetry is like a riddim dat drops
De tongue fires a riddim dat shoots like shots
Dis poetry is designed fe rantin
Dance hall style, big mouth chanting,
Dis poetry nar put yu to sleep

Maybe not. There must be something magical he did to garner all this worship and I'm just too dumb to see it.

12-08-2023, 01:03 PM
After seeing the BBC's "news reports" of the Israel-Gaza thing, I can see how they would idolize this worthless nigger....

12-08-2023, 03:06 PM
Dis poetry is like a riddim dat drops
De tongue fires a riddim dat shoots like shots
Dis poetry is designed fe rantin
Dance hall style, big mouth chanting,
Dis poetry nar put yu to sleep

Stinks of retard Diva. This is the kind of shit that a 5th grader would get a C- for. Utter tosh, but no doubt 'celebrated' by the BBC crowd like Mozart is to music...and the poor British public are forced by fear of a criminal record to pay their TV licenses to support this inferior nonsense.

Jim Crow
12-08-2023, 03:18 PM
Useless nigger daid at 65 yrs of age. What a shame, that it didn’t die at 6.5 years of age! It’s death has been 58.5 years overdue! Better late than never I guess. Lol!

Whitey Ford
12-09-2023, 01:15 AM
This ridiculous and remarkably untalented nigger, celebrated and praised as a chief pet by the insane BBC, has been naturally selected at last. This nigger was the reason why I could never watch the BBC's Peaky Blinders show. This nigger was installed in a Victorian England drama, which instantly became unwatchable.

I only watched Peaky Blinders through Season Two. I have no clue what business niggers have doing on that show. You should watch Babylon Berlin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylon_Berlin), much better and no niggers. ;)


12-09-2023, 03:36 PM
Imagine that, a "poet" died and I never heard of it before. Or just a locally overhyped imported carib mix that got foisted on the public.
With the vicious list of its "learning experiences" and "lived truths" I'm glad its daid too. About the same as a (c)rapper I never heard of ... the world bids it a good riddance.

12-09-2023, 06:12 PM
Imagine that, a "poet" died and I never heard of it before. Or just a locally overhyped imported carib mix that got foisted on the public.
With the vicious list of its "learning experiences" and "lived truths" I'm glad its daid too. About the same as a (c)rapper I never heard of ... the world bids it a good riddance.

I'd like to inform that nigger-loving site that our own Ray Cizzums is a much better poet than that nigger, or any nigger.

An example of his amazing work. I was deeply moved.

Ode to a Mudshark

Pop-eyed nigger
nasty mudshark
in the Jersey summer sun......

12-09-2023, 08:50 PM
I'd like to inform that nigger-loving site that our own Ray Cizzums is a much better poet than that nigger, or any nigger.

An example of his amazing work. I was deeply moved.


12-10-2023, 11:53 AM
I'd like to inform that nigger-loving site that our own Ray Cizzums is a much better poet than that nigger, or any nigger.

An example of his amazing work. I was deeply moved.

He's a like a zen haiku master compared to the ridiculous vaunting of imbecilic nigger babble...

12-13-2023, 05:56 PM
Really, I'm starting to think he wasn't all that magic:

- unable to read or write at the age of 13
- served time in jail
- became embroiled in the criminal underworld as a teenaper
- serving time in a Borstal and later in prison.
- once beat a man up for being 'queer'.
- became so good at pickpocketing that he saw it as an 'art' in its own right.
- Beaten regularly by his late father,
- the way he treated some of his former partners was 'terrible'

I dunno., Sounds like a regular nigger to me. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe his poetry is literary genius:

Oh, well. Let's try another one:

Maybe not. There must be something magical he did to garner all this worship and I'm just too dumb to see it.

Sounds like a typical, ordinary nigger. A criminal from birth. Violent and stupid. As for it's poetry, well...

The BBC sure loves it's niggers.

12-13-2023, 06:00 PM
I'd like to inform that nigger-loving site that our own Ray Cizzums is a much better poet than that nigger, or any nigger.

An example of his amazing work. I was deeply moved.

Beautiful poetry. Brought tears of joy.

12-14-2023, 02:42 AM
Niggers muh-dikk
Niggers kill
As long as it's other niggers
Who the fuck cares?