View Full Version : Tonika gets shooty with Dashawn after he muh diks her in a public playground

Whitey Ford
12-05-2023, 07:49 PM
Indy woman pleads guilty after playground sex ends with inadvertent headshot


INDIANAPOLIS — An Indianapolis woman will serve one year in prison and three years on home detention after an argument with her boyfriend — which broke out following the couple having sex in a public playground — ended in the man’s death after her handgun inadvertently went off in her hand and a bullet struck the man in the head.

Tonika Miller, 33, pleaded guilty to reckless homicide on Monday. She was originally charged in May of 2022 in connection to the death of 41-year-old Dasawn Roscoe. Miller and Roscoe had been partners in an intimate relationship for the last five years, according to Miller’s account, and the couple shared two children together.

According to what Miller told police, the pair decided to go down to the apartment complex’s playground at roughly 1 a.m. in order to have sex on the blanket. An argument briefly led to Miller leaving Roscoe naked at the playground before she returned to pick him up in her vehicle.

Miller reportedly got out of the vehicle and told Roscoe to drive, but Roscoe shoved her in the back. Miller, who was holding a gun in her right hand, then struck Roscoe in the shoulder with her hand that was holding the gun. The gun went off and a bullet struck Roscoe in the head.


Marse Igor
12-05-2023, 09:16 PM
Lawdy Lawdy Baby Jeebuss!
Now, if that ain’t some seriously niggerish niggetry I don’t know what is...

the pair decided to go down to the apartment complex’s playground at roughly 1 a.m. in order to have sex on the blanket. An argument briefly led to Miller leaving Roscoe naked at the playground before she returned to pick him up in her vehicle…
Miller reportedly got out of the vehicle and told Roscoe to drive, but Roscoe shoved her in the back. Miller, who was holding a gun in her right hand, then struck Roscoe in the shoulder with her hand that was holding the gun. The gun went off and a bullet struck Roscoe in the head.

I’ll just have to quote an old time and well missed nigger basher, Irate Irishman on this one:

"Just when you think niggers can't sink any lower, they manage to drain just a little more from the cesspool"

12-05-2023, 10:24 PM
They should send the sow into the local prison with a bag of ammo and a pistol to mate with the niggers and then good them.

12-05-2023, 11:29 PM

Oh, lawdy! It happens. Sometimes nigger foreplay gets out of hand when they are in serious rutting mode. Sorry, Dasawn. Tonika just outdrew ya!

I'm glad the last time my husband and I went to the playground to get it on, we left our guns at home.

Niggers!!!! They're so funny when they batwing each other.


ETA: I see the sow got one year for deleting the buck. That's what nigger lives are worth.

That article neglected to post a portrait of the lovely Tonika:

holy shit


12-10-2023, 11:46 PM
Only a nigger could commit murder, and only get a year in prison.

I know this was less of a murder and more of a public service, but why couldn't the degenerate nigger do it BEFORE squirting out two nigglets?

That would've been a much better public service.


Ray Cizzums
12-11-2023, 12:40 AM
Lawdy Lawdy Baby Jeebuss!
I’ll just have to quote an old time and well missed nigger basher, Irate Irishman on this one:
"Just when you think niggers can't sink any lower, they manage to drain just a little more from the cesspool"

I was a big fan of that site, which was around at the same time as the original Chimpout. I was a proud member of both.
Tattooed Redhead was a hoot as I recall....

Ray Cizzums
12-11-2023, 12:54 AM
That article neglected to post a portrait of the lovely Tonika:
holy shit

That hurra doo gets stowed in a cardboard box, until Tonika gets released. I saw a pic somewhere of a cell full of sheboons, all nearly hairless,
with super short wool, and male pattern baldness. Every one looked like a burnt black Curly from the Three Stooges. Tonika will fit right in....