View Full Version : Chimpcago 'Mayor' blames 'right wing extremists' for the fact that Chimpcago is a crime ridden shithole

Whitey Ford
11-29-2023, 02:21 AM
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ for City’s Problems

Chimpcago mayor nigger vid here:

Johnson issued his statement about the “far right” during a press conference on Tuesday.

“What we’ve seen is a very raggedy form of right-wing extremism”‘ the mayor said. “Everyone knows that the right-wing extremism in this country has targeted democratically run cities, and quite frankly, they have been quite intentional about going after democratically ran cities that are led by people of color.”

The mayor even said that such “right-wing extremists” aim to create “division and chaos because that is what that particular political party has been about.”

“It is the same party that wouldn’t accept that President Obama was actually an American. It’s the same Republican right-wing extremism that stormed the capital, it’s the same right-wing extremism that refuses to accept the results of the civil war. It’s raggedy. It’s disrespectful. It’s mean-spirited,” he said.

“It is abysmal and it is an affront to everything that is good about this country for the extremism in this country to use people as political tools to settle political scores for something that happened over 400 years ago. They’re still mad that a black man is free in this country,” he added.


Defund Welfare
11-29-2023, 06:59 AM
I think it is abysmal that we still have to pay these niggers forever! They’ll make anything look like an apocalypse within a decade.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-29-2023, 09:35 AM
Translation: da wyman bes keepsin us down

Nigger, trust us, niggers don’t need anyone to help them destroy the cities they run or inhabit. They’re quite capable of that on their own. We also dont care about niggers being free. We just want you to roam free in your natural habitat where you can no longer be detrimental to humans and the societies they have built which you now destroy and blame on everyone else.

Ray Cizzums
11-29-2023, 11:17 AM
Big Mike Obama already blamed YT, for exiting en masse when schvartzers arrived :"We grew up with friends of all races when we first moved in.
We played together. There were no gang fights, there were no territorial battles. And yet one by one, they packed their bags and they left us and
they left communities in shambles".
The "shambles" he/she/it's talking about is her "community" not being able to leech off of white taxpayers, because they wisely elected to GTFO.
These parasites need hosts, and are unable to feed off of other niggers. Like locusts, they consume all resources, then move on....

12-01-2023, 10:42 PM
Hey a lot of right wingers are stoopit assholes, but the niggers alone are at fault for their DNApe induced TNB. And part of the problem is incompetent quota shit apes like this nigger mayor who actually made the last she-ape mayor Beeetlejuice look good