View Full Version : Okie Jigaboo Plays Peekaboo with the Po Po

11-25-2023, 12:15 AM
People have truly devolved.

Here we have a shirtless monkey running around the lobby of a hi-rise pointing a gun directly at random people. Up close and personal. No one seems bothered at all by this.

Nigger Azjaynee Owens-Bey, stoned out of his non-functioning mind, came to the attention of the police as a domestic disturbance. When police arrived Nigger Azjaynee was outside in the parking lot, but quickly ran back inside. People inside completely oblivious to the danger the crazed nigger savage posed to them all. The nigger would fire at police and police would fire at the nigger. The nigger finally hides behind a coke machine while firing.

With police telling Nigger Azjaynee to throw down his gun, the nigger, who was saying "for real" over and over, briefly throws the gun out in the middle of the room... THEN Nigger Azjaynee walks out, and picks the gun back up! Holy hell!

The police cured Nigger Azjaynee of whatever was wrong with it.

This was absolutely crazy. It's like no one has a survival instinct any more.


Ray Cizzums
11-25-2023, 09:22 AM
Batwings issued - but hundreds of these African retards arrive every day in Creepy Joe Biden's America....

11-26-2023, 04:27 PM
Batwings issued - but hundreds of these African retards arrive every day in Creepy Joe Biden's America....

Bat Fairy needs to work OVERTIME!!

Jim Crow
11-27-2023, 05:36 PM
Very nice ending in that video.Taxpayers won’t have to pay for an NU scholarship. And it will never ever commit a crime again.

11-28-2023, 12:25 AM
Looks like a 30-IQ nigger that's higher than a kite on jenkem or some other nasty nigger dope. But I DID enjoy the ending!

11-28-2023, 07:48 PM
Only good thing about the Paw Guns, is the apes typically end up offing eachother.