View Full Version : Murder Sow Antics in the Park

11-19-2023, 09:21 PM
"I was talking nasty on my jail call"

Cleveland Park, Ohio.

An absolute nigger in action.

First the nigger sow is out on bail awaiting trial for murdering her buck. Evidently knifed the nigger in his sleep!

Police notice the nigger in the park, in a clapped out hoopty, with expired plates. When police approach, she is two fingers deep while having phone sex with a jailbird nigger.

The car stinks of nigger pushy and wine, 4 bottles of which are in the car. The sow claims she's waiting on a "balloon release" for another nigger that made the world a better place by self-goodification. The hoopty belongs to an auntie, who makes a guest appearance later in the photo play.

The drug dog hits on the car, and the search begins. While that's ongoing, another shocker, the sow's driver's license is suspended. Would have been a bigger shock if it wasn't!

Low and behold police uncover a firearm. Under Ohio law it's a felony for someone under felony indictment to possess a firearm. Oops!!

The sow tries to put the gun on a mysterious 3rd boyfriend who was "just with her." No one is buying that. Besides, it was in her possession.

The police tried to work with the nigger before the gun magically appeared (in plain sight) and the drug dog reacted. No drugs were found, but the auntie's shitbox is definitely used to transport drugs.

There's a lots of inconsequential niggerbabble, but at the end of the day she was arrested and charged with possession of the firearm, among other things.

No word on the fate of the hoopty, which has a title loan on it... though auntie treated herself to a "new" car for her birthday. The repo man is probably already looking for it.

Niggers gonna nig. :unigger


Ray Cizzums
11-19-2023, 11:05 PM
They couldn't pay me enough to listen to that much jibbering, unless I was officially authorized to put the smack down...