View Full Version : Feral niggers stab pretty blond student girl 14 times in nigger laden Georgia middleschool

Whitey Ford
11-19-2023, 03:20 PM

Nine months after a brutal stabbing at a Henry County middle school, attorneys representing the student who was injured and her mother have filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against school officials.

The lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday, accuses four Ola Middle School administrators of negligence. Attorneys for Ashley Wilson said that negligence resulted in her daughter being stabbed at least 14 times on March 15.

Even though it was known to school staffers (probably nigger) that one of the "students" (definitely nigger) had a knife, they did absolutely nothing about it.

"Once they were notified about this dangerous weapon being on campus, they were supposed to act … but they didn’t, and that’s why we brought the lawsuit against administrators," Gould said.

Authorities said it all started when a student with a sharp object approached the girl who was walking to her gym class. From there, a fight led to the stabbing. That student was later arrested and charged.

The complaint goes on to state that a school resource officer notified administrators about the student in possession of that weapon the day before and on the day of the attack.

"The administrators did nothing … no investigation, no administrative search, did not notify parents," Wilson’s attorney Andrew Gould told FOX 5.



Niggers are Useless
11-19-2023, 06:18 PM
For some reason I don't remember the non stop media coverage of this hate crime. I surely missed the cries of racism and the need to erect a statue for this victim of racial discrimination. I can't even recall the medias cries for the resource officer to be put in prison and all the school officials fired. The public outcry for charges against the criminals that cut her up I also missed. Thats weird with hate crimes getting so much media time now a days.
Oh wait... She is white. My bad all this was her fault. Her white privilege required that a bunch of niggers stab her in the face.
I hope her and her family clean out the coffers in that school district. This is disgusting.

11-19-2023, 07:27 PM
So the niggers got all the big scrane TV's and funyuns they want from the shoplifting/felony theft amnesty.
Now they have moved on to the unfettered bloodlust to satisfy themselves that they are throwing off they "oppresshunz"

What's next?
Well we have to let niggers do home invasions right ? Every YT is responsible for every F' d up nigger's F'd up "life " .
We need to stand back and let 'em do what they gotsa do, huh libturd muther fudgers ?

Whitey Ford
11-23-2023, 05:54 PM

11-24-2023, 07:06 PM
Between this and the Loudoun County, Virginia school district that protected a serial rapist because he claimed to be a tyranny, another Democrat "protected class," there's no way I would send a kid to public schools. Most certainly not one with niggers! I could go on for hours about what's wrong with modern public schools. Homeschooling is the only option.

Man when I went to elementary school, mid-to-late 60's, there wasn't a single nigger! Back then we had "niggertown" on the other side of town. In Junior High, a new school as far away from niggertown as it got, we had one nigger student. That nigger was memorable because he did his level best to be invisible! We wouldn't have tolerated any monkeyshines! Now all of the schools are overrun with niggers. Fights, gangs, TNB.

11-28-2023, 09:18 PM
Between this and the Loudoun County, Virginia school district that protected a serial rapist because he claimed to be a tyranny, another Democrat "protected class," there's no way I would send a kid to public schools. Most certainly not one with niggers! I could go on for hours about what's wrong with modern public schools. Homeschooling is the only option.

Man when I went to elementary school, mid-to-late 60's, there wasn't a single nigger! Back then we had "niggertown" on the other side of town. In Junior High, a new school as far away from niggertown as it got, we had one nigger student. That nigger was memorable because he did his level best to be invisible! We wouldn't have tolerated any monkeyshines! Now all of the schools are overrun with niggers. Fights, gangs, TNB.

Remarkable how many here are within +/- 10 years of our age.... You have to ask just how phvked up younger generations are for accepting this nigger depravity.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-29-2023, 12:30 AM
Remarkable how many here are within +/- 10 years of our age.... You have to ask just how phvked up younger generations are for accepting this nigger depravity.
I graduated high school in the 2000s. Trust me, there are plenty my age that hate the beasts. I usually shock people when the nigger word comes flying out but don’t let any younger generations fool you, they fucking hate em too.
These white parents failed their teenage daughter by sending her to school with a bunch of feral niggers. If you live in an area that has your kid teemed with dirty niggers, you fucking move! You don’t sit around and wait on the inevitable.

11-29-2023, 04:49 AM
I had to go to high school (skoo) with niggers for a while, but even that wasn't nearly as bad as things are now. At least back then if niggy brought a knife to skoo he'd be leaving in pawcuffs. Now niggers can bring knives and guns to school, chimp out, threaten white teachers, bully and beat up white students, and never suffer any consquences for it because of their unearned black privilege.

Ray Cizzums
11-29-2023, 11:37 AM
I had to go to high school (skoo) with niggers for a while, but even that wasn't nearly as bad as things are now. At least back then if niggy brought a knife to skoo he'd be leaving in pawcuffs. Now niggers can bring knives and guns to school, chimp out, threaten white teachers, bully and beat up white students, and never suffer any consquences for it because of their unearned black privilege.

We had a few dozen spooks in my '70s high school. Then, as now, you'd have to fight all of them at once - except they were vastly outnumbered,
by us scary blue collar white boys. They picked on a Brazilian guy who was my friend, and two of us forced it into one-on-one fight, instead of 10
on one. The niggers were flappin' lips about catching up with me, so I let them see my .380 the next day. Those motherfuckers wouldn't so much
as look at me after that, and would vamoose if they saw me coming. They walked a fine line back then, where the white devil was concerned....