View Full Version : Is Google Anti-White?

11-18-2023, 07:51 PM
I'm making a little video for a friend and needed a stock picture of a "Happy Woman". The results gave me a majority of Women of Colour -mostly nigger sows.

So I thought I might try "Happy WHITE Women." These results were kind of shocking:




And countless others in this vein. SO: what makes a white woman happy? Nigger bucks and mutant niglets, according to Google. I have no words.

11-18-2023, 08:37 PM
I'm making a little video for a friend and needed a stock picture of a "Happy Woman". The results gave me a majority of Women of Colour -mostly nigger sows.

So I thought I might try "Happy WHITE Women." These results were kind of shocking:




And countless others in this vein. SO: what makes a white woman happy? Nigger bucks and mutant niglets, according to Google. I have no words.


11-19-2023, 10:32 AM
Offensive in the extreme. All you have to do is look around to see that the Great Replacement is well underway and the Globalists will never be happy until our race is eliminated from the planet.

An act of war, plain and simple

Ray Cizzums
11-19-2023, 01:17 PM
Years ago, the Obama reelection campaign was looking for volunteers, so I filled out the application, using my alias "Whitey O. Williams".
Address : 69 Jiggaboo Rd., Niggerville, Illinois. Education : Howard University, Masters Degrees in Niggerology / Dish Washing. Resume :
Public housing layabout / convicted rapist. After dropping numerous N-bombs, I used gmail to fire it off, not realizing that google was the
woketurd center of the niggerverse. Within a couple of days, I was locked out of my gmail account, which continued for several weeks. It
worked out for the best, because I started using a new email for anything important after that. I also went back to stamped mail, for my
Dear Nigger letters to Obama and Big Mike. :lol

11-19-2023, 02:01 PM
Years ago, the Obama reelection campaign was looking for volunteers, so I filled out the application, using my alias "Whitey O. Williams".
Address : 69 Jiggaboo Rd., Niggerville, Illinois. Education : Howard University, Masters Degrees in Niggerology / Dish Washing. Resume :
Public housing layabout / convicted rapist. After dropping numerous N-bombs, I used gmail to fire it off, not realizing that google was the
woketurd center of the niggerverse. Within a couple of days, I was locked out of my gmail account, which continued for several weeks. It
worked out for the best, because I started using a new email for anything important after that. I also went back to stamped mail, for my
Dear Nigger letters to Obama and Big Mike. :lol

OH, wow! I've been using the dread "N-WORD" lately to reply to Niggergerian scammers. Even though they are criminals who would take my last nickel and murder me cheerfully, I'm surprised I haven't been kicked out, since raycism is now a worse crime than murder.

Ray Cizzums
11-19-2023, 02:11 PM
OH, wow! I've been using the dread "N-WORD" lately to reply to Niggergerian scammers. Even though they are criminals who would take my last nickel and murder me cheerfully, I'm surprised I haven't been kicked out, since raycism is now a worse crime than murder.
I don't think the douches at google are at the point, yet, of scanning gmail for "hate speech", not that they wouldn't love to.
I have no doubt that some spook at the Obama campaign got a hold of the pukes at google, and complained about the raycizzums
on my application. Google was more than happy to oblige said spook-a-moors, and give me no oppa-tunity to double down, and tell
them to GFYM, and wish cancer on Obama and the rest of his his awful tribe, all while dropping another dozen N-bombs hither and yon....

Jim Crow
11-21-2023, 05:33 PM
Google is as liberal as it gets, so, of course, it’s anti-white! Liberals hate YT so much that they resent themselves!They rut with and promote rutting with shitskins in hopes to breed all whites out!

Ray Cizzums
11-22-2023, 12:21 AM
Google is as liberal as it gets, so, of course, it’s anti-white! Liberals hate YT so much that they resent themselves!They rut with and promote rutting with shitskins in hopes to breed all whites out!
Their CEO, Scumdar Pinchloaf, definitely is some kind of breed : 23889

11-22-2023, 11:28 AM
Their CEO, Scumdar Pinchloaf, definitely is some kind of breed : 23889


animal mother
11-22-2023, 12:43 PM
This has been a controversy for years now.

happy white women" search results seem to be showing weird results.
Why does the phrase "happy white women" show pictures of interracial couples? This doesn't appear to be the case with DuckGo's results. Nor is it the case with any other racial group. This has been a very popular broken search result for a few years now and I'm curious why this hasn't been addressed?

11-24-2023, 09:05 PM
Nah, it's all about the cash. Now I pay nominally for a google service, I got my SpookTube account restored. Money talks and shit walks. They 'forgot' about my racist rants that got me banned in the first place.

11-30-2023, 12:09 AM
I'm making a little video for a friend and needed a stock picture of a "Happy Woman". The results gave me a majority of Women of Colour -mostly nigger sows.

So I thought I might try "Happy WHITE Women." These results were kind of shocking:




And countless others in this vein. SO: what makes a white woman happy? Nigger bucks and mutant niglets, according to Google. I have no words.

That's absolutely hateful. So repugnant. Pure unadulterated evil.

Made me want to puke.

Filthy niggers. Dirty whores.

Whitey Ford
11-30-2023, 03:30 AM
Years ago, the Obama reelection campaign was looking for volunteers, so I filled out the application, using my alias "Whitey O. Williams".
Address : 69 Jiggaboo Rd., Niggerville, Illinois. Education : Howard University, Masters Degrees in Niggerology / Dish Washing. Resume :
Public housing layabout / convicted rapist. After dropping numerous N-bombs, I used gmail to fire it off, not realizing that google was the
woketurd center of the niggerverse. Within a couple of days, I was locked out of my gmail account, which continued for several weeks. It
worked out for the best, because I started using a new email for anything important after that. I also went back to stamped mail, for my
Dear Nigger letters to Obama and Big Mike. :lol

One of my friends was in DC once back in the day. He was hitting the bars every night, just hanging out having fun. One day he and one of his buddies were having a beer in a popular downtown watering hole, when Obongo and his entourage walked in. Obongo was still a senator then, but pretty well known locally. He walks into the bar, and the bartender says "Hey! You know we have a drink named after you?" And obongo looks at the bartender all puzzled. He says "You have a drink called Closeted Marxist Fag Muslim That Hates America!?" :lol

Ray Cizzums
11-30-2023, 03:37 AM
One of my friends was in DC once back in the day. He was hitting the bars every night, just hanging out having fun. One day he and one of his buddies were having a beer in a popular downtown watering hole, when Obongo and his entourage walked in. Obongo was still a senator then, but pretty well known locally. He walks into the bar, and the bartender says "Hey! You know we have a drink named after you?" And obongo looks at the bartender all puzzled. He says "You have a drink called Closeted Marxist Fag Muslim That Hates America!?" :lol

Ask any D.C. bartender for a "Big Mike", and you'll get a banana daiquiri :23923