View Full Version : Logan Airport wants stinky Africoon invaders out

11-17-2023, 03:13 PM
But Massport interim CEO Ed Freni told reporters that the airport is “not an appropriate place” for migrants to stay, even as some were seen sleeping at the facility as the state grapples with the shelter crisis.
“When they come to Logan we meet them and we try to assist them, but we have to emphasize that Logan is not an appropriate place to house people,” Freni told reporters. The airport works with partners to transport the migrants to welcome centers and is looking to “other solutions in the future," Freni said.

So, what happens when every nook, cranny and nest is packed with Africoons and Muzzies? What solutions? Maybe start evicting humans from their homes to move the savage parasites in? I can think of a solution.

migrant advocates are relying on a patchwork of temporary shelters, including churches, hospital waiting rooms and even airport lounges.

I guess these advocates are taking jungle bunnies home to live with them? They must be, since they care so much.

Just breaks my heart:

Logan Airport 'not an appropriate place' for migrants arriving daily, Massport CEO says (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/logan-airport-not-an-appropriate-place-for-migrants-arriving-daily-massport-ceo-says/ar-AA1k6eVi?ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=d3c3bc0ed65b4fda90fdd621afb676ad&ei=16)

Whitey Ford
11-19-2023, 12:20 PM
This is why our forefathers labored, sacrificed and built. Not to provide for themselves, their descendants and the future. But to to build a big, stinky niggerhaven for illiterate dindus!



Ray Cizzums
11-19-2023, 12:49 PM
These grimy nigger shit-stains waltz right in, no visa, no paperwork - but hard working white South Africans are refused, despite their being
persecuted and murdered with the blessings of their "government". Obama's "Aunt Zeituni" leeched hundreds of thousands off US taxpayers,
somehow being given Social Security disability checks, Section Ape housing, and massive amounts of free medical care - despite never having
contributed one dime in taxes. As if our own niggers aren't enough of a burden, ffs....