View Full Version : UPDATED: 8 ARRESTED! Gang of 15 feral snakehead teenapers beat 17 y.o. white kid to death

Whitey Ford
11-13-2023, 04:55 PM
Jonathan Lewis, 17, is 'beaten to death' by huge swarm of bullies in Las Vegas 'after standing up for smaller friend who they'd just robbed'

May this poor victim of nigger violence rest in peace. :(

A teenage boy has died days after he was horrifically beaten by a huge gang of bullies near a Las Vegas high school.

The attack happened on November 1 near Rancho High School, when 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis was pummeled by around fifteen other youths.

He is said to have been targeted after standing-up for a smaller friend who'd just been robbed by the mob, according to a GoFundMe page set up by his family.

Police officers found him at about 2.05pm that day, bleeding from the head.

The teen was put on life support at University Medical Center, where he died Tuesday after doctors made several attempts to save his life.


Jim Crow
11-13-2023, 06:27 PM
Niggers are most savage and dangerous when in packs!

11-13-2023, 08:15 PM
huh.. they made it a party to off the YT kid ?

If 15 teenapers participated in the killing, then there should be 15 Murder 1 charges, all as adult, enhanced as a hate crime too.
Ain't holding my breath tho...

11-14-2023, 03:52 AM
They need to introduce every one of those niggers to a short rope and a tall tree!

11-14-2023, 12:00 PM
huh.. they made it a party to off the YT kid ?

If 15 teenapers participated in the killing, then there should be 15 Murder 1 charges, all as adult, enhanced as a hate crime too.
Ain't holding my breath tho...

Imagine the outcry there would be if that had been 15 Whites beating one Nigger to death, they'd be out for blood looting, rioting demanding "Justice"

11-14-2023, 03:42 PM
Apparently this is a difficult case to lay charges on....

of course it is, gotta take some time to figure out how to pet a 15 pack of murderous hah-skewl savannah beasts.

Amid calls for accountability over Lewis' death,the school district said in a statement to parents that it is declining to provide additional information as the investigation is ongoing, but that it 'grieves the loss of every student.'

Think humans everywhere will start asking for their tax dollars back in vouchers, and stop sending their human kids to any school that contains NIGGERS ?


Niggers are Useless
11-14-2023, 08:34 PM
Imagine the outcry there would be if that had been 15 Whites beating one Nigger to death, they'd be out for blood looting, rioting demanding "Justice"

It would be on the news non-stop for months, statues would be erected for the nigger and the whites who did it would be charged with hate crimes and sentenced to death. Pres poopy pants would start having the FBI round up all the "white supremacists" or every white person that doesn't bow the knee and worship the dead nigger.
Cities would be burned down by niggers and the whites would get arrested for it.
The niggers "family" would be overnight go fund a nigger millionaires. Niggers pappy would pop his head out of a hole and say how much of a good boy his son was so he could get some of that free gibs me dat..
There would be a holiday announced in remembrance of the dumb nigger.
Yeah it would be Epic.

11-15-2023, 12:41 PM
It would be on the news non-stop for months, statues would be erected for the nigger and the whites who did it would be charged with hate crimes and sentenced to death. Pres poopy pants would start having the FBI round up all the "white supremacists" or every white person that doesn't bow the knee and worship the dead nigger.
Cities would be burned down by niggers and the whites would get arrested for it.
The niggers "family" would be overnight go fund a nigger millionaires. Niggers pappy would pop his head out of a hole and say how much of a good boy his son was so he could get some of that free gibs me dat..
There would be a holiday announced in remembrance of the dumb nigger.
Yeah it would be Epic.

All of that for sure if "15 WHITE boys bent on violence savagely beat to death a young, BLACK student who was beloved by all, would give anyone the shirt off his back, and was aspiring to be a pediatrician because he loved helping people, especially the children."

The looting and mayhem would last at least a week, until every nigger for miles around had a new 65" TV in loving tribute to the angelic boy they all thought of as a son.

Whitey Ford
11-16-2023, 02:03 AM
Eight of these wild, jungle nigger animals have been arrested and charged.


Las Vegas police on Tuesday arrested eight teenagers on murder charges in connection with the death of Jonathan Lewis, a 17-year-old who was pummeled by a mob of his classmates in an alley outside their high school, authorities said.

The eight suspects charged with murder are between 13 and 17 years old, said Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Lt. Jason Johansson in a news conference on Tuesday. Police along with the district attorney's office are beginning the process to charge them as adults. Johansson added that there's no evidence indicating the attack was "a hate crime."

On Nov. 1, students from Rancho High School, including Jonathan, met in an alley just across the street from the campus to fight over "stolen wireless headphones and, possibly, a stolen marijuana vape pen," Johansson said. Police believe the items were stolen from Jonathan's friend but once they were all in the alley, it was Jonathan who fought instead.


11-16-2023, 06:14 AM
Eight of these wild, jungle nigger animals have been arrested and charged.

Johansson added that there's no evidence indicating the attack was "a hate crime."

Are you F'n kidding me ? No hate involved there... it just takes 15 niggers to beat down and murder a white kid over headphones and a vape pen ?

They should exonerate Jeff Dahmer too, after all he was really just a lonely executive chef.

11-18-2023, 06:00 PM
huh.. they made it a party to off the YT kid ?

If 15 teenapers participated in the killing, then there should be 15 Murder 1 charges, all as adult, enhanced as a hate crime too.
Ain't holding my breath tho...

This happened in Vegas. It's FULL of libtards!!

11-18-2023, 06:50 PM
All of that for sure if "15 WHITE boys bent on violence savagely beat to death a young, BLACK student who was beloved by all, would give anyone the shirt off his back, and was aspiring to be a pediatrician because he loved helping people, especially the children."

The looting and mayhem would last at least a week, until every nigger for miles around had a new 65" TV in loving tribute to the angelic boy they all thought of as a son.

Even in the days of slavery I've never heard of 15 whites pummeling a mouthy nigger. There were beatings if the nigger was disobedient and violent. Rope for muh-dikk. But masters didn't just punish their niggers, that's their labor, any more than they would whip a cow just because.

This goes to prove, niggers are irredeemable sub-apes who all belong in Africa, and nowhere else.

11-18-2023, 07:43 PM
Even in the days of slavery I've never heard of 15 whites pummeling a mouthy nigger. There were beatings if the nigger was disobedient and violent. Rope for muh-dikk. But masters didn't just punish their niggers, that's their labor, any more than they would whip a cow just because.

This goes to prove, niggers are irredeemable sub-apes who all belong in Africa, and nowhere else.

Exactly. If you watch propaganda like the despicable "Seven Years a Slave" you get the idea that the Evil White Masters spent all their time torturing and beating the niggers, just for kicks. That would be like a farmer pouring sugar in the gas tank of his tractor. It makes no sense.

11-19-2023, 09:35 AM
This is the reason why we live where we live. In my boy's school of 2000 kids, there is literally no more than 20 niggers. The only ' crime ' that happens in this outstanding school, are the usual teenager pranks, setting the fire alarm off, smoking dope in the restrooms, that kind of shit. No knife crime, no violent crime outside of the occasional hallway punch-up. You have to choose carefully for your kids. Sending them to a school filled with hopeless nigger beasts is akin to failing them. I know sometimes honest folk don't have options, but there's no more certain way to ruin your kid's lives then exposing them to the shit beast.

11-25-2023, 01:40 PM
This is the reason why we live where we live. In my boy's school of 2000 kids, there is literally no more than 20 niggers. The only ' crime ' that happens in this outstanding school, are the usual teenager pranks, setting the fire alarm off, smoking dope in the restrooms, that kind of shit. No knife crime, no violent crime outside of the occasional hallway punch-up. You have to choose carefully for your kids. Sending them to a school filled with hopeless nigger beasts is akin to failing them. I know sometimes honest folk don't have options, but there's no more certain way to ruin your kid's lives then exposing them to the shit beast.

Last year my sister-in-law said there are more niggers (she didn't say "niggers", but "blacks") now in the high school her daughters attend.

I had no idea about her views on niggers, but I said, "I hope you told your girls to stay away from them."

She said, "Oh, they don't go near (the niggers). They're afraid of them."

"Good", I said, "Rape apes." She just nodded and this is someone I have never heard speak ill of any race or species on the planet, not even groids.

11-25-2023, 11:04 PM
15 to 1......typical nigger odds.

Generally speaking:

Meet 1 nigger on the street.....usually safe.

Meet 2 niggers on the street..... 50/50 either way.

Meet 3 or more niggers on the skreet...... "You gon' DIE, muffuggah!

Reason for their pack behavior, other than DNA, is: "All da niggers beeezzz tryin' to out-nigger all da uhthuh niggers!"

11-26-2023, 04:26 PM
Even in the days of slavery I've never heard of 15 whites pummeling a mouthy nigger. There were beatings if the nigger was disobedient and violent. Rope for muh-dikk. But masters didn't just punish their niggers, that's their labor, any more than they would whip a cow just because.

This goes to prove, niggers are irredeemable sub-apes who all belong in Africa, and nowhere else.

Tru Dat!!

11-29-2023, 04:59 AM
Exactly. If you watch propaganda like the despicable "Seven Years a Slave" you get the idea that the Evil White Masters spent all their time torturing and beating the niggers, just for kicks. That would be like a farmer pouring sugar in the gas tank of his tractor. It makes no sense.

Remember in Roots (I, like most white kids, was forced to watch it) where Coonta Kinte (AKA Toby) runs off from the plantation and a slave-tracker catches him, chops off half of his foot, and brings him back to massa for a reward? Of all the anti-white propaganda scenes in that vile series that was the most retarded and ridiculous. Imagine if a horse ran off from a farm and a tracker caught the horse, chopped off one of its hooves, and actually expected a reward from the owner.

No white plantation owner in real life ever behaved like that. Gratuitous cruelty in those so-called "raciss" times was not tolerated towards niggers, just as it was not tolerated towards any other animal. If that idiotic Roots scene had ever happened in reality the slave-catcher would have been tarred and feathered, and then sued by the massa for burdening him with a useless slave who was no longer able to work.

Ray Cizzums
11-29-2023, 11:24 AM
Remember in Roots (I, like most white kids, was forced to watch it) where Coonta Kinte (AKA Toby) runs off from the plantation and a slave-tracker catches him, chops off half of his foot, and brings him back to massa for a reward? Of all the anti-white propaganda scenes in that vile series that was the most retarded and ridiculous. Imagine if a horse ran off from a farm and a tracker caught the horse, chopped off one of its hooves, and actually expected a reward from the owner.

No white plantation owner in real life ever behaved like that. Gratuitous cruelty in those so-called "raciss" times was not tolerated towards niggers, just as it was not tolerated towards any other animal. If that idiotic Roots scene had ever happened in reality the slave-catcher would have been tarred and feathered, and then sued by the massa for burdening him with a useless slave who was no longer able to work.
I watch Roots backwards, for the happy ending....

11-29-2023, 01:19 PM
Remember in Roots (I, like most white kids, was forced to watch it) where Coonta Kinte (AKA Toby) runs off from the plantation and a slave-tracker catches him, chops off half of his foot, and brings him back to massa for a reward? Of all the anti-white propaganda scenes in that vile series that was the most retarded and ridiculous. Imagine if a horse ran off from a farm and a tracker caught the horse, chopped off one of its hooves, and actually expected a reward from the owner.

No white plantation owner in real life ever behaved like that. Gratuitous cruelty in those so-called "raciss" times was not tolerated towards niggers, just as it was not tolerated towards any other animal. If that idiotic Roots scene had ever happened in reality the slave-catcher would have been tarred and feathered, and then sued by the massa for burdening him with a useless slave who was no longer able to work.

Niggers had to be punished for misbehaving (unlike now), and in a way that wouldn't prevent them from working. Whipping or making runners drag a ball and chain worked pretty well. Niggers were very expensive and their prices skyrocketed just prior to the Civil War. Owners would have to be demented to damage them beyond repair. What slave owner wanted a useless crippled nigger loafing around eating its head off and muh dikkin' everything in sight?

To get an idea of what niggers cost, this letter from a slave trader in 1856 with equivalent prices in 1998 :

I offered Richardson 1350 [equal to 27,000 in 1998] for his two negros. He Refused to take it. The fellow is Rather light. He weighs 121 lbs., but Good teeth & not whipped. The little Girl he was offrd 475 [9,500, 1998]. I thought the boy worth about 850 [17,000, 1998] and at that price they would not Sell for cost, but I Supposed the fellow would bring 9 to 950 [18,000 to 19,000, 1998] &c and the little Girl 500 [8,300] at best.

So, yeah. If my car, for which I paid $21,000 won't start one day, I'll take a sledgehammer and smash up the engine to teach it a lesson.

11-29-2023, 06:04 PM
My blood is boiling! Just imagine if it had been the other way around (not that that would ever happen): BurnLootMurder 2.0!