View Full Version : "All he did was rob a gas station! Ya'll act like he robbed a Walmart or somethin'!"

11-12-2023, 09:45 PM
"Release my nigga!!"

This is the absolute epitome of niggerdom. In the video you have an ugly nigger sow, nigglet in her arms, lamenting the fact her buck is in prison. The sow wants "her nigga" released with the justification the nigger ONLY robbed a gas station. The nigger sow, showing a brilliant lack of intelligence and understanding of how things work in the real world.

"Ya'll act like he robbed a Walmart or somethin'!" Because that's the threshold.

Even more delightfully niggerish... the entitled sow starts singing: "Release my nigga" to the music of José Feliciano's iconic Christmas classic!

I shit you not!

Absolutely breathtaking.
