View Full Version : Sow Drugs and Castrates Buck...You've been warned.... G R A P H I C....

11-11-2023, 04:20 PM
A testosterone-laden Laquisha decides her buck is being a naughty boy.... Drugs him and removes his naughty bits... ALL OF THEM...


Looks like she kept the scrotum for herself... I'm guessing she's going to make a change purse out of it...

The happy Couple.... See the above link....


Niggers are Useless
11-12-2023, 12:46 AM
She should start a community education class for other sows. This could become a new tic-tock challenge to see how many bucks they can get. Good job sow.

Ray Cizzums
11-13-2023, 12:44 PM
Obama would call that a "Teachable moment". He should do that to Big Mike....

Whitey Ford
11-13-2023, 04:03 PM
The muh dik is like a compass that guides niggers through their ape like existence, without it they are lost. Base instinct is all a nigger knows. Now this nigger has no raison d'être. :lol

The Chinese have been known to deal with rapist niggers the same way. ;)


11-13-2023, 07:56 PM
The muh dik is like a compass that guides niggers through their ape like existence, without it they are lost. Base instinct is all a nigger knows. Now this nigger has no raison d'être. :lol

The Chinese have been known to deal with rapist niggers the same way. ;)


Great pic.. "compass' - Perfect!! Looks like they may be trying to splice that radiator hose back on... Hopefully, they failed. Regardless, almost always, all sensation is lost. I'm betting the coon tried to rip off a prosty with pimp who had no sense of humor. Or, it got it's member caught in a fan belt or lawn mower. These coons will stick their foul protuberance anywhere.

11-13-2023, 08:21 PM
Batshit boons have to go lower than the bucks. I'm surprised she didn't put it on a bun !