View Full Version : Study: 'Anti-Black' bias is rooted in fear of nigger TNB & chimp out violence not racisms

Whitey Ford
11-11-2023, 11:21 AM
Study finds anti-Black bias among White Americans is rooted in perceived threat, not dislike


New research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology sheds light on one of the underlying reasons behind anti-Black bias among White Americans. The research, conducted across five studies, reveals that this bias is in part driven by the perception of Black men as a threat. These findings supplement previous assumptions about racial bias and highlight the importance of understanding the nuances of how individuals unconsciously perceive different racial groups.

“As recent events have highlighted, the consequences of anti-Black bias can be deadly,” explained study author David S. March, an assistant professor of psychology at Florida State University. “The typical approach to prejudice as valenced (i.e., bad vs. good) evaluations implies that negative evaluations of Black Americans is the problem and redressing the unfavorable attitude is the solution. But I noticed that approach does not easily track field and laboratory data.”

“I suggested that many instances of anti-Black bias, like shooter bias, may be more strongly driven by a danger rather than negative association. That is, instead of dislike, the underlying problem might be threat. So, I wanted to test if White Americans implicitly process Black individuals as a survival threat and/or in terms of negativity. Showing a unique or stronger Black-threat association would grant credence to the idea that threat and not dislike drive much anti-Black bias.”


Marse Igor
11-11-2023, 04:59 PM
So, I wanted to test if White Americans implicitly process Black individuals as a survival threat and/or in terms of negativity.
The answer is of course "yes".

But I noticed that approach does not easily track field and laboratory data.
What's to track? Even the nigger loving DOJ puts out the statistics yearly, including tracking by race/offender and victims by race:


Here's a quick summary: 13% of the population is responsible for 50% of violent crimes. 13/50 is not a myth or exaggeration. Also, and what I find particularly disturbing is the fact that niggers rape 20k+ Humans per year. Human on sherilla sex crimes are effectively zero, zip, zilch.

11-12-2023, 01:54 PM
The answer is of course "yes".

What's to track? Even the nigger loving DOJ puts out the statistics yearly, including tracking by race/offender and victims by race:


Here's a quick summary: 13% of the population is responsible for 50% of violent crimes. 13/50 is not a myth or exaggeration. Also, and what I find particularly disturbing is the fact that niggers rape 20k+ Humans per year. Human on sherilla sex crimes are effectively zero, zip, zilch.

I believe it's closer to 80% of all violent crimes and 50% of all crimes. Niggers aren't likely to pull a Lufthansa-type caper or plan anything. They just burst into instinct-driven shoot, smash, grab, beat, rob, rape, and murder when the urge overtakes them when an unbearable situation drives them to it, e.g. they whore is knocked up, or they perceive disrespeck.

Ray Cizzums
11-12-2023, 09:47 PM
It's more like 13/90+ % for serious crimes, because the data is intentionally corrupted. "Blue" cities and states refuse to report race of suspooks
now, so our POS DOJ attributes their crimes to the general population, a.k.a humans. Then there are an increasingly huge number of unsolved
homicides, rapes and robberies, again all niggers, no "snitchin'" from the "community", and attributed to the gen pop. But number one overall,
with a bullet, is the "no police report/no news report" phenomenon - where serious felony crimes happen right on your block, never to be heard
of again. This shit has been happening since the '60s on Long Island - gang assaults, rapes, home invasion robberies, 100 spook riots, and murders -
mum's the word, it's always niggers, and say no more....

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-13-2023, 01:09 AM
It's more like 13/90+ % for serious crimes, because the data is intentionally corrupted. "Blue" cities and states refuse to report race of suspooks
now, so our POS DOJ attributes their crimes to the general population, a.k.a humans. Then there are an increasingly huge number of unsolved
homicides, rapes and robberies, again all niggers, no "snitchin'" from the "community", and attributed to the gen pop. But number one overall,
with a bullet, is the "no police report/no news report" phenomenon - where serious felony crimes happen right on your block, never to be heard
of again. This shit has been happening since the '60s on Long Island - gang assaults, rapes, home invasion robberies, 100 spook riots, and murders -
mum's the word, it's always niggers, and say no more....
I was going to say the same thing. Think of all the dead niggers that turn up. The police don’t even try to solve that shit. “Oh well, another bullet riddled dead nigger, throw it in the cooler.” The nigger murders they actually solve and are added to that FBI date report probably only include around a third of the actual murders committed by niggers. The same goes for violent assaults and rapes.