View Full Version : Sheboon State's Attorney might be going to NU for a while

11-10-2023, 09:01 PM
This boon was the one that prosecuted the officers that arrested Freddy Gray, the career felon that died after a ride in a police van. Luckily, all of the officers were acquitted or the charges were dropped. She also has an upcoming trial for a mortgage fraud application (known as the "head shot"). The dumb bitch tried to claim that she suffered a financial hardship from the COVID pandemic. As far as I know, State's Attorneys are not paid on an hourly basis.

11-10-2023, 10:13 PM
A magic negress going to jail. They ain't so bright and magical after all.

Whitey Ford
11-10-2023, 11:00 PM
Convicted on 2 counts of perjury.
Federal jury convicts former Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby on 2 counts of perjury (https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/09/us/baltimore-prosecutor-marilyn-mosby-convicted-perjury/index.html)

Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore’s former top prosecutor who was thrust into the national spotlight after charging six police officers in the 2015 death of Freddie Gray, was found guilty of two counts of perjury for making false statements on loan applications for two Florida vacation homes, the Justice Department said.

Mosby, 42, pleaded not guilty last year to two counts of perjury and two counts of making false statements after authorities said she applied for the loans to withdraw money from her retirement accounts, tapping a CARES Act provision intended for those hurt financially during the Covid-19 pandemic, prosecutors said.

The former prosecutor is facing a maximum sentence of five years in prison for each of the two counts of perjury, the Justice Department said.

Wait until you see the salary this useless she boon bleeds the taxpayers for. :mad:

A federal grand jury indicted Mosby in January 2022 after authorities said she lied on the application by indicating she had “adverse financial consequences” due to the pandemic – even though she earned a gross salary of $247,955.58 that was “never reduced” in 2020, according to an indictment. She also failed to disclose she owed $45,000 in federal back taxes, it says.

AND owed $45K in back taxes. Damned niggers, SMDH.

Niggers are Useless
11-10-2023, 11:21 PM
This diversity hire nigger makes that kind of pay and still lies and steals. It's in their Dn Ape
Meanwhile I work two jobs to make ends meet while 42 percent of my pay is stolen by the feds to give to Ukraine, the illegals invading the country and niggers like her.:pissed
I'm disgusted with the whole thing and hope this monkey gets destroyed by the machine.

11-14-2023, 02:56 AM
Convicted on 2 counts of perjury.
Federal jury convicts former Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby on 2 counts of perjury (https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/09/us/baltimore-prosecutor-marilyn-mosby-convicted-perjury/index.html)

Wait until you see the salary this useless she boon bleeds the taxpayers for. :mad:

AND owed $45K in back taxes. Damned niggers, SMDH.

Worthless fucking nigger! Born criminals.