View Full Version : Cordearo was not satisfied with the free gibs offered by The Salvation Army

Whitey Ford
11-09-2023, 12:56 AM

A Florida man admitted to setting fire to a Salvation Army center because he felt mistreated, authorities said, resulting in the closure of the facility as the holiday season approaches.

Cordearo Lee Mable, 37, faces charges of arson and burglary to an unoccupied structure in connection with the Monday blaze in the Orlando suburb of Kissimmee, FOX Orlando reported.


When officers found him, Mable said he started the fire because he had been “mistreated by the one place in Kissimmee where homeless people can go and feel like humans,” a police affidavit stated.

He arrived at the Salvation Army facility, where housing, hot meals and laundry services are provided, earlier in the day and police officers were called because he refused to leave, the news outlet said.

He said he returned to the building, broke a window with a rock and used lighter fluid inside to set the blaze, the report said. No one was inside the building when the fire broke out.

“We will not disparage the individual who committed this heinous act,” Capt. Ken Chapman, the area commander for The Salvation Army, said in a statement. “We are a resilient Army, and we will continue to march on.”

Mable allegedly told officers to “arrest him now” or “you are going to have to do it later because I will get my revenge,” according to the affidavit.


11-09-2023, 05:47 AM
Never enough for a useless nigger. Give it a hot and cot one time. and you damn well better do it forever, and give it a raise when it wants it.

F**k that shitstain garbage. Let's hope it gets its meal ticket in NU for a long time, and have to put in the salad tossing "work" for anything else its monkey ass wants !

11-09-2023, 09:44 AM
Fucking the Sally Ann over. That's low even for a nigger. My grandad was a first world war gunner. I never met him, but my dad told me that he said the only people that were up there on the front lines were the SA serving the troops hot drinks and food. That's nigger gratitude for you...non existent.

Ray Cizzums
11-09-2023, 03:27 PM
When officers found him, Mable said he started the fire because he had been “mistreated by the one place in Kissimmee where homeless people can go and feel like humans,” a police affidavit stated.

There's a big difference between feeling human, and actually being one. The Salvation Army was one of the last charities I'd give
to, until a couple of years ago. They, like most other charity organizations, have been taken over by Marxist trash. When they announced
all their employees had to undergo extensive training in "Recognizing white privilege", and "Diversity, equity and inclusion", the blowback
was harsh, and immediate. Their receipts plummeted nationwide, because it turned out that YT was where their money came from. They
tried to walk back their woketurdery, but it didn't work....

11-09-2023, 03:50 PM
There's a big difference between feeling human, and actually being one. The Salvation Army was one of the last charities I'd give
to, until a couple of years ago. They, like most other charity organizations, have been taken over by Marxist trash. When they announced
all their employees had to undergo extensive training in "Recognizing white privilege", and "Diversity, equity and inclusion", the blowback
was harsh, and immediate. Their receipts plummeted nationwide, because it turned out that YT was where their money came from. They
tried to walk back their woketurdery, but it didn't work.... Considering what kind of animals they have to deal with like this yard ape, the Sally should have sent their people to Chimpout! :gorilla

11-09-2023, 04:17 PM
I remember that Ray and I have't given them a penny since. I still drop off shit at the SA thrift store, but never give a penny in the kettles anymore.

11-10-2023, 02:53 AM
Fucking the Sally Ann over. That's low even for a nigger. My grandad was a first world war gunner. I never met him, but my dad told me that he said the only people that were up there on the front lines were the SA serving the troops hot drinks and food. That's nigger gratitude for you...non existent.

The Salvation Army was the only charity my dad ever gave to. He was born in 1916 (I was born 40 some-odd years later) so he missed the Great War, but knew the same stories about the kindness of the Salvation Army. The problem is, niggers can't be salvaged or saved. They are niggers. No souls, so nothing to salvage or save.