View Full Version : San Jose popo gets fired for letting his views be known on niggers...

11-05-2023, 04:20 AM
Once again speaking the truth gets YT canceled. The cop wasn't careful about who he told it to, so he got the sack.

"I hate black people," one of the texts McNamara sent said, according to documents released by police. In another message, McNamara identifies himself as white.He also used variations of the N-word multiple times, according to the set of messages police released.


Ray Cizzums
11-05-2023, 09:21 AM
If the Self Employed Rogue Electrician's Union ever gets a hold of my texts........I'll be their new president.
Because they hate niggers too.

11-05-2023, 10:55 AM
Unfortunately, you have to know your audience these days. More dissuasion for anybody else thinking about becoming a cop. What human would consider becoming a cop these days ? Eventually when all the humans quit and retire, all that PD's will consist of will be the impossible to fire mud people and the Alphabet brigade. You're pretty much on you're own now.

11-05-2023, 01:21 PM
It would have been dumb to text such things on an official use phone. But honestly, how many other police out there likes blacks? Or are neutral to blacks? For your survival, you need to know blacks are bad news and not to be trusted. Even liberals would not voluntarily go to Compton or Oakland at night.