View Full Version : Niggers Eating Niggers

11-02-2023, 07:22 AM

As usual, the disgusting niggers can't help being criminal fucking monkeys. They even rip-off their own. Ape-has-killed-ape (from one of those Planet of the Niggers movies with Roddy McDowall...). From it's inception, anybody with even a shred of common sense could see BLM as nothing but a cash cow for the 'organizers;. The entire nigger race is nothing but criminals. It is only a matter of degree.

Jim Crow
11-04-2023, 06:21 PM
I think they should waive the prison sentence and just send the thieving muzzie sow back to somolia or whatever nigger fuxated shithole it’s from. Chances are it will be killed by it’s own in it’s muthaland.

11-05-2023, 10:59 AM
Now when I saw the title, niggers eating niggers, my imagination immediately sprang to a new fast food joint just ' fo us ' - " BlackDonands " would be serving ' Big Black ' nigger burgers made exclusively of the finest buck meat and sow cuts. Don't forget the Niggin McNuggets and Freak Fries ! They'd sure to be bringing back 'ol Hamburgler in a new nigger guise...Da'Hambugglah, a victim of white wickedness.

11-05-2023, 11:40 AM
Most animals won't resort to cannibalism unless starving. Niggers do it for a variety of reasons.

This African gentleman explains how he burned a Muzzie alive and ate his leg.