View Full Version : Diversity training does not work, admits nigger diversity trainer

Whitey Ford
11-01-2023, 11:57 AM
Diversity training does not work, admits diversity trainer


Diversity training does not work, a diversity trainer for banks has admitted.
Buki Mosaku, the founder of the diversity and inclusion consultancy DiverseCity Think Tank, said British companies were “wasting” millions of pounds each year on “futile” programmes to eradicate racial bias.
He admitted that the training fails to help black and ethnic minority employees and that humans are hardwired to be biased.

Wut!!?? We beez ray-shish!

He said there was a growing body of neuroscientific research that shows that the human brain is predisposed to prejudice, which is common to all races.
However, much of the diversity training industry - worth £6 billion in the US alone and prevalent in the British public and private sector - is modelled on the belief that in-built prejudices can be changed.

“Most such schemes are focused, consciously or unconsciously, on bias eradication, when science has shown that you can’t eradicate bias because it’s hardwired into all of us as part of the human condition.”
He added that such schemes have “at best made extremely slow progress and, more honestly, got us nowhere and made things worse”.

"...made things worse." THX, Capt Obvious. :lol

Instead, he suggested that “strategies should recognise that prejudice is not always a ‘one-way street’ but can be multi-directional, with black and ethnic minority employees sometimes being unconsciously biased against white bosses and colleagues”.

But, dindus can't be ray-shish! Only whitey. ;)


11-01-2023, 01:45 PM
Diversity training does not work, admits diversity trainer


Wut!!?? We beez ray-shish!

"...made things worse." THX, Capt Obvious. :lol

But, dindus can't be ray-shish! Only whitey. ;)

I noticed that that entitled nigger ibram x. kendi lost it's Cash Cow!! Ha ha, nigger!! I'm SICK of the gub'mint agencies that allow niggers to pull this KIND of SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIT!!