View Full Version : Statue toppling BLM she boon Xahra Saleem jailed for fraud over misspent BLM niggerfunds

Whitey Ford
11-01-2023, 11:46 AM
Black Lives Matter Activist Who Organized Statue Teardown Jailed for Fraud


British Black Lives Matter activist Xahra Saleem was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for fraud on Tuesday, after admitting that she spent more than £30,000 in BLM charitable donations to fund her lifestyle.

Muh "lifestyle."

The Bristol activist helped organize a June 2020 march that led to the toppling of a statue of Edward Colston, a Bristol native, 17th-century merchant, member of Parliament, and slave trader. BLM protesters confessed to topping the statue but pleaded not guilty to criminal damage in 2022.

Saleem, a director of the youth charity Changing Your Mindset, set up a GoFundMe page on behalf of the charity to fundraise for the 2020 march. More than 500 donations flooded the GoFundMe page — donations Saleem then transferred to her personal accounts to spend on rent, a new iPhone, hair appointments, clothing, and Uber.

Boston-based BLM activist Monica Cannon-Grant, who led an anti-violence nonprofit, and her husband were accused of using charitable donations to pay for their personal expenses. Cannon-Grant was indicted on 18 fraud-related counts.

Ohioan activist Tyree Conyers-Page was hit with three counts of money laundering and one count of wire fraud after defrauding BLM donors out of $450,000. Conyers-Page claimed to have used the donations to combat racial-injustice, but the FBI discovered that a card linked to the charity’s bank account was used on dining, entertainment, clothing, furniture, and a home-security system. Each fraudster’s registered charity received an influx of donations following the Summer of Rage protests in 2020, which were incited by George Floyd’s death.

According to 2020-2022 federal tax filings, BLM used only one-third of its $90 million in revenue to fund charitable organizations. BLM spent $22 million on expenses, which included a whopping $2.1 million payment to BLM board member Shalomyah Bowers for her consulting services.

George Floyd was the best gift grifting dindus ever received. ;)

11-01-2023, 01:46 PM
Black Lives Matter Activist Who Organized Statue Teardown Jailed for Fraud


Muh "lifestyle."

George Floyd was the best gift grifting dindus ever received. ;)

Tru Dat!!

11-01-2023, 09:29 PM
All the shuckin' and jivin' about "muh raycissms" was just another grab for the gibsmudats from self hating libturd twats trying to fall on their financial sword to impress worthless niggers.
As if anyone needed another reason to know social justice niggers are just full of shit race pimps.

11-02-2023, 12:42 AM
I love it! This is a classic nigger crime, embezzling donations from gullible whites.