View Full Version : Sex offender groid muh dikks and murders visting nurse then stores her in the basement for sloppy 2nds

11-01-2023, 04:40 AM
No one ever learns that a feral muh dikking beast CANNOT be reformed...

keep on trying to do the impossible, ignore the truth... AND DIE



Jim Crow
11-01-2023, 07:35 AM
Only a Lethal injection would set the rapeape straight!

Ray Cizzums
11-01-2023, 07:36 AM
No one ever learns that a feral muh dikking beast CANNOT be reformed...
keep on trying to do the impossible, ignore the truth... AND DIE

My older sister was a visiting nurse for years. The medical profession is full of libtard idiots, and she's a closet version of one.
I tried to warn her about going into nigger neighborhoods, and she shut me down. I know that multiple incidents happened that
proved my point, but my family conspires to make sure I don't find out, because I'm almost always right, and the facts would prove
it. One thing I did hear, was that some old grand mammy she visited had a sheboon daughter, who routinely robbed and stole medication
from the old lady. Then my sister was accused, by the sheboon, of doing it. She was cleared after an investigation, with no consequences
for the sticky fingered 'boon. She also got attacked by some porch monkey's pit bull. I know there was a lot of other shit I didn't hear about.

11-03-2023, 06:16 PM
Another Ebony Moriarty Here, he's a criminal mastermind /s. This is another good reason not to let halfway houses in your 'hood too, as invariably they fill up with nigs.

Marse Igor
11-03-2023, 06:22 PM
The only remotely medically related service that Humans should provide niggers is the attachement of hoof tags

11-03-2023, 06:28 PM
living in a local halfway house for sex offenders as part of his 10-year probation

No jail time and a female health worker sent to a house full of rapists and kiddy diddlers. Sure, a halfway house will cure sex offenders, as they sit on their asses being fed, housed, and clothed with nothing better to do than look at porn online, flog the muh dik, and think about all the sex offenses they could be doing.

Clown World.

11-03-2023, 10:04 PM
No jail time and a female health worker sent to a house full of rapists and kiddy diddlers. Sure, a halfway house will cure sex offenders, as they sit on their asses being fed, housed, and clothed with nothing better to do than look at porn online, flog the muh dik, and think about all the sex offenses they could be doing.

Clown World.Makes me sick the way they pander to these dangerous apes.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-04-2023, 12:02 AM
No jail time and a female health worker sent to a house full of rapists and kiddy diddlers. Sure, a halfway house will cure sex offenders, as they sit on their asses being fed, housed, and clothed with nothing better to do than look at porn online, flog the muh dik, and think about all the sex offenses they could be doing.

Clown World.
I will never understand why sex offenders and pedophiles are ever allowed to walk free after being caught. They cannot be fixed. The only thing that fixes them is death. Pedophiles molesting children create more pedophiles that molest children. It is a sick cycle of depravity. The only thing that makes sense is that we are ran and governed by a large network of pedophiles because if it were normal people like me, who are absolutely disgusted by these vile degenerates, they would all be put to death as soon as their guilt was proven.

11-04-2023, 11:00 AM
I will never understand why sex offenders and pedophiles are ever allowed to walk free after being caught. They cannot be fixed. The only thing that fixes them is death. Pedophiles molesting children create more pedophiles that molest children. It is a sick cycle of depravity. The only thing that makes sense is that we are ran and governed by a large network of pedophiles because if it were normal people like me, who are absolutely disgusted by these vile degenerates, they would all be put to death as soon as their guilt was proven.

Agree 1000% This has always left me stumped and disgusted. Who are these brainless idiots who think that some slimeball who sees children as sex objects will somehow be cured of this?

Not only have they committed outrages against children, but have stolen the kids' childhoods forever, yet are treated like victims. The best is when some pedo gets released early from jail for "good behavior". Of course, they're behaving in prison! There are no children to rape and molest!

There is no cure for this crime of perversion, except for the pervert to assume room temp.

Look at it this way: No counseling or halfway houses could "cure" me of being attracted to White, hetero males and instead make me desire women. It's the same for pedos, who only have eyes for kids.

There's a video on YT concerning pedos in prison who were tortured and murdered by other inmates. It's pretty gruesome but satisfying.