View Full Version : Happy Halloween, Mixigroid " Tyrell " charged for shooting up Tampa Ybor City party

10-31-2023, 07:52 AM
https://people.com/thmb/390mgChgRscZKN9GNtEH5NzhUOw=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc() :focal(737x176:739x178):format(webp)/Tyrell-Stephen-Phillips-103023-tout-5e0abf7148394ea7a4b1e9a3a459f30c.jpg

Good idea to rut with niggers huh mudhsharks? Hope you're happy with how your latte shitlets turn out.....


Whitey Ford
10-31-2023, 02:56 PM
Aspiring (c)rapper, too.


10-31-2023, 05:34 PM
He doesn't look nigger at all, to me. But he really REALLY wants to be a nigger and acts like one, so same thing, just like mudsharks.

That cRapping would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. :lol

Marse Igor
10-31-2023, 05:39 PM
Now I'm a firm believer in the one-drop rule. A beast tainted by even a drop of nigger blood is still a nigger. By old time French classifications I reckon the sorry specimen called Tyrell Phillipps (the name is a dead giveaway to it's degenerate heritage) is a "quarteron", or quadroon in English. This type of savage is especially concerning as it holds the fully debased ferocity of a full blood nigger yet may appear at a casual glance, or to the unaware, as a Human.

Ray Cizzums
10-31-2023, 09:59 PM
[QUOTE=Marse Igor;250118]Now I'm a firm believer in the one-drop rule. A beast tainted by even a drop of nigger blood is still a nigger. By old time French classifications I reckon the sorry specimen called Tyrell Phillipps (the name is a dead giveaway to it's degenerate heritage) is a "quarteron", or quadroon in English. This type of savage is especially concerning as it holds the fully debased ferocity of a full blood nigger yet may appear at a casual glance, or to the unaware, as a Human.
I never realized that the hell-spawn of a white, and a quadroon = a "meame-louc", a.k.a. an octoroon.
Post that chart in the sticky, as a reference...

10-31-2023, 10:00 PM
Now I'm a firm believer in the one-drop rule. A beast tainted by even a drop of nigger blood is still a nigger. By old time French classifications I reckon the sorry specimen called Tyrell Phillipps (the name is a dead giveaway to it's degenerate heritage) is a "quarteron", or quadroon in English. This type of savage is especially concerning as it holds the fully debased ferocity of a full blood nigger yet may appear at a casual glance, or to the unaware, as a Human.

And here I thought I had an infallible nig-o-meter, but maybe I'm wrong.

Yes, the nearly-white niggers are particularly concerning as they may be craftier than your average nog, so better at crime.

Nice chart, by the way! :lol I knew about griffes and quadroons, but not the others.

11-01-2023, 01:28 AM
That thing up there was a tik tok challenge waiting to happen.

Even niggers are aware of the phenomenon. The YT-ier the sprog is, the more it feels the need to prove its nigger-hood to the niggers in the hood.

"Tyrell" clearly went for it big time. They gonna love that tight young sphincter in NU. :lol