View Full Version : A girl on my social media feed posted about 'dangerous young white men'

10-28-2023, 06:52 PM
She wrote that 'young white men are the largest threat', in regard to the Maine shooting. I literally laughed at reading that, and had to control myself to send her my two cents, with stats and proof. She is white by the way (her parents are of a European ethnicity known for their xenophobia- won't say which to keep it as anonymous as I can here), and married to a "dangerous" young white man.

What these woke idiots don't understand is that even if you add up all the mass shootings by white men, niggers still commit more crimes by far; and mind you, racially ambiguous/mulattoid perps are often listed as "White" for some reason. All of us here, and anyone with a basic understanding of stats, know that statistically you're safer in an elevator with an armed white guy than with a random male nigger.
You know what the funny thing is? A few years ago, this girl once visited a predominantly nigger high school to watch her boyfriend at the time play a sport, and she was shocked and disturbed at how wild and unruly the nigger crowd was. I don't buy her virtue signaling, not one fucking bit.

10-28-2023, 09:12 PM
She wrote that 'young white men are the largest threat', in regard to the Maine shooting. I literally laughed at reading that, and had to control myself to send her my two cents, with stats and proof. She is white by the way (her parents are of a European ethnicity known for their xenophobia- won't say which to keep it as anonymous as I can here), and married to a "dangerous" young white man.

What these woke idiots don't understand is that even if you add up all the mass shootings by white men, niggers still commit more crimes by far; and mind you, racially ambiguous/mulattoid perps are often listed as "White" for some reason. All of us here, and anyone with a basic understanding of stats, know that statistically you're safer in an elevator with an armed white guy than with a random male nigger.
You know what the funny thing is? A few years ago, this girl once visited a predominantly nigger high school to watch her boyfriend at the time play a sport, and she was shocked and disturbed at how wild and unruly the nigger crowd was. I don't buy her virtue signaling, not one fucking bit.

She is merely parroting what she sees and hears on toxic, outraged social media.

As for white males being responsible for nearly all the mass shootings, niggers are 13% of the population so the number of nigger mass shooters is sky-high, proportionately, just as is the number of nigger serial killers.

You might want to send her this and see if she can work her head around to justify it, e.g. start spouting BS about economically disadvantaged, slavery and all the other garbage libtards use to excuse the violent, savage acts of niggers. Also, YT mass shooters and serial killers are highly sensationalized, while no one wants to talk about the niggers. That would be rayciss.

64 out of 98 are niggers and 25 are clearly white, by my count. The rest are other - some Hispanics and I think one Asian. So ask her what is the biggest threat.


I aint bin dun did dat!
10-28-2023, 09:33 PM
It’s just a sign of either low IQ or nigger ass kissing to “fit in” with the times. Most of them are just simply unable to understand ratios and statistics.

Ray Cizzums
10-28-2023, 09:58 PM
Any human, especially a white, is far more dangerous than a sub-human, if they go off the deep end. But that is a rare occurrence among humans.
Basic and advanced training in the military is an eye opener for blacks, where they are out shot, out marched and out witted every goddamn day.
Their dreams of supremacy evaporate with each training evolution. Black infantry vets know that the "woodchucks" and "crackers" are the true
kings of the jungle....

10-29-2023, 06:33 AM
She wrote that 'young white men are the largest threat', in regard to the Maine shooting. I literally laughed at reading that, and had to control myself to send her my two cents, with stats and proof. She is white by the way (her parents are of a European ethnicity known for their xenophobia- won't say which to keep it as anonymous as I can here), and married to a "dangerous" young white man.
That's what the year long anti-White indoctrination at school/university does. The really sad thing, due to the feminist "meritocracy is evil" nonsense, most of the younger generation today even lack the ability to understand statistics. (Or to realize the limits.)

What these woke idiots don't understand is that even if you add up all the mass shootings by white men, niggers still commit more crimes by far; and mind you, racially ambiguous/mulattoid perps are often listed as "White" for some reason. All of us here, and anyone with a basic understanding of stats, know that statistically you're safer in an elevator with an armed white guy than with a random male nigger.
You are safer with an armed white guy, than with any nigger! Sows, 10yo nigglets, simply every nigger is more dangerous to humans than any other human being.

You know what the funny thing is? A few years ago, this girl once visited a predominantly nigger high school to watch her boyfriend at the time play a sport, and she was shocked and disturbed at how wild and unruly the nigger crowd was. I don't buy her virtue signaling, not one fucking bit.
So perhaps she's not yet completely lost (and perhaps she secretly knows, at least she married a human). If she's somehow family, you should challenge her. Apart from that: I find it always "funny", when (especially girls and soyboys) have no problem with claiming "evil patriarchy", but they happily use all the things evil White males built, invented, etc. If they'd at least give up cars, electricity, cell phones, Man-built houses, roads etc. Usually none of these people are construction workers, engineers, etc., but rather they sit their asses off in some government agency or work in the “social” or “media” sector.

10-29-2023, 08:34 AM
She wrote that 'young white men are the largest threat', in regard to the Maine shooting. I literally laughed at reading that, and had to control myself to send her my two cents, with stats and proof. She is white by the way (her parents are of a European ethnicity known for their xenophobia- won't say which to keep it as anonymous as I can here), and married to a "dangerous" young white man.

What these woke idiots don't understand is that even if you add up all the mass shootings by white men, niggers still commit more crimes by far; and mind you, racially ambiguous/mulattoid perps are often listed as "White" for some reason. All of us here, and anyone with a basic understanding of stats, know that statistically you're safer in an elevator with an armed white guy than with a random male nigger.
You know what the funny thing is? A few years ago, this girl once visited a predominantly nigger high school to watch her boyfriend at the time play a sport, and she was shocked and disturbed at how wild and unruly the nigger crowd was. I don't buy her virtue signaling, not one fucking bit.

"Wokeness" marxism in the GUISE of faux virtue signaling!! I LOVE how these libtard, dhimmirat politicians are getting MUGGED by REALTY!! Notice the rash of carjackings where they are SEEING the RESULTS of their FAILED POLICIES!! Shivanthi, anyone?!

10-29-2023, 08:35 AM
She is merely parroting what she sees and hears on toxic, outraged social media.

As for white males being responsible for nearly all the mass shootings, niggers are 13% of the population so the number of nigger mass shooters is sky-high, proportionately, just as is the number of nigger serial killers.

You might want to send her this and see if she can work her head around to justify it, e.g. start spouting BS about economically disadvantaged, slavery and all the other garbage libtards use to excuse the violent, savage acts of niggers. Also, YT mass shooters and serial killers are highly sensationalized, while no one wants to talk about the niggers. That would be rayciss.

64 out of 98 are niggers and 25 are clearly white, by my count. The rest are other - some Hispanics and I think one Asian. So ask her what is the biggest threat.



11-02-2023, 01:34 PM
Niggers actually commit more mass shootings than whites. But usually it's some nog doing a mag dump out of his shitty 9 using ball ammo, so most hits are non fatal. While when whites do it like Card in Maine, he uses some high powered rifle and aims for center body mass, not hold the gun sideways like Tyrone in my avatar.

Defund Welfare
11-03-2023, 11:49 AM
That shooting stunk to high heavens and different sources seemed to mix up if he was dead or apprehended.
Did anyone tell the nigger lover on the weekend after that shooting there was two nigger mass shootings? Why did I only hear about it from other people reporting it and bringing links to local or independent media sources?
The only real defense is that niggers deliver bat wings about as frequently as they know their pappies, and they leave dozens of injured spooks to get patched up by White doctors on their tax dollars and never consider using a witch doctor.
Still, you can look at the mass shooter database and it’s obvious it’s extremely rare a human goes on a shooting rampage. Only difference is they actually hit their targets.

Jim Crow
11-03-2023, 05:11 PM
Humans can be far more dangerous than a beast because they’re more intelligent. And our intelligence is what keeps them from acting like a beast, and being triggered for no reason.
Niggers act purely on instinct.They think with their muhdik or on impulse..Why do you think they make up 90% of the prison population?

Whitey Ford
11-05-2023, 09:42 PM
Any human, especially a white, is far more dangerous than a sub-human, if they go off the deep end. But that is a rare occurrence among humans.
Basic and advanced training in the military is an eye opener for blacks, where they are out shot, out marched and out witted every goddamn day.
Their dreams of supremacy evaporate with each training evolution. Black infantry vets know that the "woodchucks" and "crackers" are the true
kings of the jungle....
Reminds me of that nigger David Goggins, supposedly "the world's toughest Navy SEAL." :lol
So tough, so tough. But not known for any deployments. :lol


Ray Cizzums
11-05-2023, 10:46 PM
Reminds me of that nigger David Goggins, supposedly "the world's toughest Navy SEAL." :lol
So tough, so tough. But not known for any deployments. :lol

We're lucky that the niggers I was in with never deployed. There would have been lots of muh dikk, most of it directed at trannies
and farm animals. Not shooting, not moving and definitely not communicating is what would have happened....

Whitey Ford
11-06-2023, 12:54 PM
We're lucky that the niggers I was in with never deployed. There would have been lots of muh dikk, most of it directed at trannies
and farm animals. Not shooting, not moving and definitely not communicating is what would have happened....

What we should do is deploy ALL niggertroops now. To Africa. We could make the draft permanent, but only for niggers. Then we could deploy them indefinitely back to 'da muddaland.' :lol


You know what pissed me off when I was a kid? I got into GI Joe and started collecting the action figures. I built them elaborate battlefields and whatnot in the backyard of my parent's house. BUT! When I got the "Elite" Ranger figure, it was a nigger. And the Infantry "Grunt" was a whitey. That pissed me off even when I was an elementary grade school kid.


Niggers are Useless
11-06-2023, 07:24 PM
"Wokeness" marxism in the GUISE of faux virtue signaling!! I LOVE how these libtard, dhimmirat politicians are getting MUGGED by REALTY!! Notice the rash of carjackings where they are SEEING the RESULTS of their FAILED POLICIES!! Shivanthi, anyone?!

I rejoice every time I see one of their nigger pets do harm to them or a coddler. It seems to make my day.:fulibs

Niggers are Useless
11-06-2023, 07:28 PM
What we should do is deploy ALL niggertroops now. To Africa. We could make the draft permanent, but only for niggers. Then we could deploy them indefinitely back to 'da muddaland.' :lol


You know what pissed me off when I was a kid? I got into GI Joe and started collecting the action figures. I built them elaborate battlefields and whatnot in the backyard of my parent's house. BUT! When I got the "Elite" Ranger figure, it was a nigger. And the Infantry "Grunt" was a whitey. That pissed me off even when I was an elementary grade school kid.


Elite Ranger----Code name STALKER lmfao perfect.:rofl:rofl:rofl

11-08-2023, 02:44 PM
I rejoice every time I see one of their nigger pets do harm to them or a coddler. It seems to make my day.:fulibs