View Full Version : Elon Musk calls Scotland's sandmonkey "First Minister" racist for complaining about 'all the white people'

Whitey Ford
10-27-2023, 08:59 PM
Elon Musk Calls Scottish Leader ‘A Blatant Racist’
Yousaf stated that “it’s not good enough” that most senior figures in Scotland are white


Twitter/X owner Elon Musk has labelled the Scottish First Minister “a blatant racist”, leaving the comment on a video of a speech Humza Yousaf made in Parliament complaining about the number of white people in prominent positions.

In the video, which is a few years old, Yousaf, now the leader of the country, states “most senior positions in Scotland are filled almost exclusively by people who are white” going on to give examples like the Lord Justice Clerk, Solicitor General, and other senior political figures, claiming it is “not good enough.”

Elsewhere in the speech Yousaf, claimed that “we have to accept the reality and the evidence that is in front of us, that Scotland has a problem of structural racism.”


10-28-2023, 01:39 AM
Typical racist hypocrite sand nigger. They're all the same, every last one of them.

EVERY high-ranking official in EVERY Muslim country is a sand nigger. No whites allowed. EVERY high-ranking official in EVERY nigger country is a nigger. No whites allowed. Niggers and sand niggers should be grateful that we superior whiteys let them live in our countries and even get elected to our legislatures. But like the whiny, uppity swine they are, they cry raciss (when the only racism in white countries is racism in favor of niggers and sand niggers) and demand total supremacy.

EVERY Muslim I've ever met has been anti-white. Even the white ones! I've talked with white Muslims from places like Bosnia. White Bosnian Muslims "wish they were brown" and long for the days they were ruled by the "superior" Turks. Muslims have a genetic defect that causes them to hate white people. That's the only scientifically possible explanation.

Defund Welfare
10-28-2023, 10:35 AM
Asslifters are some of the most racist people on the planet.
When they’re not majority of the population they obsess over minority rights and whine everyone else is a racist but guess what happens once they become the majority? Nobody has any rights but them! I’ve said that I respect the golden rule but I also believe it goes both ways, if they don’t respect it you shouldn’t either! Get these asslifters back to their homelands before they start demanding we decapitate women for learning to read.

10-28-2023, 11:00 AM
IMHO asslifters are even more dangerous than niggers. They have a higher IQ and have been enslaving niggers for 1,500 years. They were smart enough to castrate most of the bucks, but they mated with the sows, which has degenerated their race. In medieval times Muslims, like those in Baghdad, were actually highly intellectual. That is no longer the case.

10-28-2023, 07:57 PM
Asslifters are some of the most racist people on the planet.
When they’re not majority of the population they obsess over minority rights and whine everyone else is a racist but guess what happens once they become the majority? Nobody has any rights but them! I’ve said that I respect the golden rule but I also believe it goes both ways, if they don’t respect it you shouldn’t either! Get these asslifters back to their homelands before they start demanding we decapitate women for learning to read.

The Golden Rule we SHOULD follow is be nice to those who are nice to you, be nasty to those who are nasty to you. The "love thy enemy" version of it is cucked.

10-28-2023, 09:44 PM
Elon Musk Calls Scottish Leader ‘A Blatant Racist’
Yousaf stated that “it’s not good enough” that most senior figures in Scotland are white



Get the F@CK out of Scotland ya @$$lifting SHYTE!! I am part Scottish and this @$$lifter is an ABOMINATION!! I am also part Castillian and we know what they did to the moors. The only thing that SUCKED was that it took nearly 800 years. The West needs a SECOND Reconquista!!

10-28-2023, 10:24 PM
well as long as it stays in Scotland that's fine by me. I'm sick of those Jock bastards complaining and whining about the English. Scots are wasted being white. They are fucking white niggers. Ask the Romans ! As my old pops used to say, there's only two things wrong with Scotland, the midges and the Scots !