View Full Version : Son of Hamas leader admits Hamas DGAF about asslifters and only use them as cannon fodder

Whitey Ford
10-23-2023, 10:56 PM

"I was born at the heart of Hamas leadership… and I know them very well. They don't care for the Palestinian people. They do not regard the human life," Yousef told Kilmeade.

"I saw their brutality firsthand back in 1996 when I spent about a year and a half in Megiddo Prison… They killed so many Palestinian people at that point, and this is when I decided that I cannot be together with this movement."

"I had to be honest with myself. Even though Hamas gave me advantages…. I was like a prince in that world… but I did not like them," he continued. "I turned against even my own blood… because this is how much I did not like Hamas, and today, 25 years later, they are the rulers of Gaza, and we see what they are capable of doing."

"Hamas is not a national movement. Hamas is a religious movement with a goal to establish an Islamic state," Yousef said. "They don't care for nationalism. Actually, they are against nationalism. But that's my understanding that they are using the Palestinian cause only to achieve their goals, so the long-term goal… [is] transforming the Middle East and the world into an Islamic state."


10-23-2023, 11:13 PM


FINALLY, Truth!!