View Full Version : Teacher who was walloped by 270 lb student won't help niggerlovers lighten his Nigger U Scholarship

Whitey Ford
10-22-2023, 12:24 AM
Florida teacher severely beaten by 270-pound student over Nintendo Switch refuses to help defense lighten sentence


The Florida teacher who was beaten unconscious by a 270-pound student in a viral video has refused to help the teen’s defense lighten his sentence, according to a report.

Brendan Depa, then 17, violently hurled Matanzas High School paraprofessional Joan Naydich to the ground, then could be seen in the video kicking and punching her in the back and head more than a dozen times before he was pulled off her by other staff.

The troubled teen told investigators he attacked Naydich because teachers ordered him to stop playing a video game on a Nintendo Switch.

Depa, who was charged as an adult, faces up to 30 years in prison for the first-degree felony charge of aggravated battery.

According to Flagler Live, Naydich has “shown no interest in mitigating what penalties Depa might face.”

Now 18, Depa had three prior battery arrests before the shocking February attack on Naydich, who was treated at a hospital after the assault.

Flagler Live also reported that Depa got into a brawl in jail just last month.

The high school where the assault took place has been besieged by violence in recent years — and days.

Niggerschools are like that. ;)


The nigger came from the Kaepernick route, adopted and raised by asshole liberal white parents.

A very touching niggerstory. :lol

By sharing Brendan’s story, we aim to shed light on who he is to us and how a system has let all of us down, resulting in the tragic incident on Feb. 21.
Brendan, who is now 17 years old, joined our family through foster care when he was just an infant. As a baby, Brendan was quite fussy, and he struggled in a school setting from the age of 2. Despite our attempts to enroll him in daycare and public schools, the busy and noisy environments proved too overwhelming for him, leading to environmentally induced meltdowns.

He was easily upset by flies, stickers, and discarded bandages. He was terrified of things other children enjoyed. However, we found that he thrived in smaller and more structured environments, which is why we chose to homeschool him for the most part. To ensure that Brendan had opportunities for socialization, we enrolled him in co-op classes and introduced him to other homeschoolers. We also went camping frequently with other homeschool families and friends, which he loved.


10-22-2023, 08:47 AM
Florida teacher severely beaten by 270-pound student over Nintendo Switch refuses to help defense lighten sentence


Niggerschools are like that. ;)


The nigger came from the Kaepernick route, adopted and raised by asshole liberal white parents.

A very touching niggerstory. :lol

Raising a niglet like a child almost always has the same result. The results are basically the same as raising a baby chimpanzee from birth. Hand reared niglets are arguably more dangerous than hand reared chimps or even tigers.

10-22-2023, 08:47 AM
Raising a niglet like a child almost always has the same result. The results are basically the same as raising a baby chimpanzee from birth. Hand reared niglets are arguably more dangerous than hand reared chimps or even tigers.

Give me a baby gorilla over a niglet any day

10-22-2023, 12:05 PM
The big nig will love it in the NU anyway. Perfect nigger education. Three free meals, downlow and big Mikes, hots and cots, rapping in the prison yard. Why would a nigger give all this up ? A nigger's dream !

Ray Cizzums
10-22-2023, 03:39 PM
She "refuses to help mitigate his sentence" ? How and why is this being reported publicly ? Since when have crime victims
been pressured to help mitigate the perpetrator's punishment ? If she gave a victim's impact statement in open court, requesting
the maximum sentence, who in their right mind would blame her ? I smell collusion between woketurd prosecutors, and a nigger
judge, or vice versa. This nigger will skate, due to "muh mental illness", and will eventually kill someone....

animal mother
10-22-2023, 08:25 PM
This feral nigger will never be tamed and is a threat to anyone who comes in contact with it. I’m fine with it bashing other niggers but even confined to NU it could still harm a human correction officer. I believe lethal injection is to only cure for this menace.

10-23-2023, 08:40 AM
This feral nigger will never be tamed and is a threat to anyone who comes in contact with it. I’m fine with it bashing other niggers but even confined to NU it could still harm a human correction officer. I believe lethal injection is to only cure for this menace.

Great minds think alike!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-23-2023, 09:08 AM
Look at this big, hulking, dull-looking retard nigger. Completely useless since day one. Even its nigger mammy knew to discard it but here comes whitey to save the day.

10-23-2023, 11:35 AM
She "refuses to help mitigate his sentence" ? How and why is this being reported publicly ? Since when have crime victims
been pressured to help mitigate the perpetrator's punishment ? If she gave a victim's impact statement in open court, requesting
the maximum sentence, who in their right mind would blame her ? I smell collusion between woketurd prosecutors, and a nigger
judge, or vice versa. This nigger will skate, due to "muh mental illness", and will eventually kill someone....

The libtards have moved from ridiculousness to full-blown, mass insanity.

If some YT brutally beat and raped me, would anyone print that I refused to help mitigate the sentence, as though that made me some kind of vindictive bitch?

The next time we hear of this hulking, savage groid the story will be reporting a murder, and probably very soon. No way will that poor lad with mental health issues be kept where it belongs

By sharing Brendan’s story, we aim to shed light on who he is to us and how a system has let all of us down, resulting in the tragic incident on Feb. 21.

I see. They wanted to be Heros of the Libtard Nation and take in this defective, violent, massive groid, yet it's someone else's fault when it savagely attacks.

Ray Cizzums
10-23-2023, 04:52 PM
The libtards have moved from ridiculousness to full-blown, mass insanity.
The next time we hear of this hulking, savage groid the story will be reporting a murder, and probably very soon. No way will that poor lad with mental health issues be kept where it belongs
I see. They wanted to be Heros of the Libtard Nation and take in this defective, violent, massive groid, yet it's someone else's fault when it savagely attacks.
The rod was spared, spoiling the child. Lots of serious beatings might have left an impression on this retard, but he got a "time out" instead.
Extreme violence is all they really understand. It's time to communicate in their language. Act the fool = I just got my ass beat, a.k.a. cause and effect...

Whitey Ford
11-17-2023, 02:20 AM
FL Teacher's Aide Beaten by Student Has to Fight Worker's Comp, Flagler School System and Live Off a GoFundMe? (https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2023/11/16/fl-teachers-aide-beaten-by-student-has-to-fight-workers-comp-flagler-school-system-and-live-off-a-gofundme-n592887)

Naydich said the beating has left her with a traumatic brain injury. She suffered five broken ribs; three were broken in the front and the back. She has problems with her shoulder. She also has hearing and vision problems. She has been going to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville for treatment and she still does not know the full extent of the injuries.

Naydich has been on medications from a neurologist, a psychiatrist and an orthopedic doctor as she works to recover. She said she is still in pain.

“As far as physically, I’m still going to a lot of doctors,” Naydich said. “Worker’s comp has been less than helpful through the whole situation, to where now it’s a little over eight months since everything happened, and I’m finally getting to certain doctors that I should have been to in the beginning.”

”I was attacked on February 21st and I feel like I’m just constantly being attacked,” Naydich said, in reference to the medical and financial hurdles she’s faced in recent months.

…As for the financial impact this has had, according to Naydich, she’s been struggling to get her workers’ compensation case resolved. Naydich said she returned to work in August under a different title. Just a couple of days into her new assignment, she was placed on an unpaid leave of absence. Naydich said she is frustrated with what she called a lack of support from the Flagler County school district.

For now, she’s living off of donations from concerned community members, until she is able to find another stream of income.


Ray Cizzums
11-17-2023, 10:55 AM
The official retaliation against the victim, as well as her being shamed in the cuck media circus, is a portent of the injustice to come.
This doofus negro, already deemed "Special needs", will be free to attack others within a few years. Watch for the wokie judge to
"set aside" either the verdict, or the sentence. Or, a strategic "mistake", made by prosecutors during the proceedings, intended to
unravel the case on appeal.

12-26-2023, 03:08 AM
She "refuses to help mitigate his sentence" ? How and why is this being reported publicly ? Since when have crime victims
been pressured to help mitigate the perpetrator's punishment ? If she gave a victim's impact statement in open court, requesting
the maximum sentence, who in their right mind would blame her ? I smell collusion between woketurd prosecutors, and a nigger
judge, or vice versa. This nigger will skate, due to "muh mental illness", and will eventually kill someone....

Exactly. However, she also knows, or should know, that the system itself will likely end up coddling this pile of dark and dumb donkey dung, so it will be out sooner than later.
Absolutely no reason for her to aid and abet its future crimes, and good on her !

Defund Welfare
12-27-2023, 01:46 PM
Have a heart everyone the niglet has duh auhhhtism! Yeah right, this behavior is common from all garden variety niggers. The mental health was not a factor in his chimpout, now if you want to discuss the 2nd grade reading level when it’s in its 20s maybe you might get somewhere but this nigger is functioning perfectly normal for a factory default nigger.

Ray Cizzums
12-27-2023, 02:10 PM
Have a heart everyone the niglet has duh auhhhtism! Yeah right, this behavior is common from all garden variety niggers. The mental health was not a factor in his chimpout, now if you want to discuss the 2nd grade reading level when it’s in its 20s maybe you might get somewhere but this nigger is functioning perfectly normal for a factory default nigger.

All niggers are "Special needs". They need to find their daddy, their mammy needs gibs muhs, and they need a beatin'.

Niggers are Useless
12-27-2023, 06:59 PM
This teacher should be able to retire in style with the school district and the judges that set this groid free on it's other charges paying her bills. For the media to be making her out to be a racist asshole for not giving an inch on the charges really highlights the values of the media society as a whole. If your not a nigger, our media AKA the communist propaganda arm, will make you out to be an enemy. Good luck to this poor lady I hope she heals up and then joins chimpout as therapy.

12-27-2023, 08:24 PM
Have a heart everyone the niglet has duh auhhhtism! Yeah right, this behavior is common from all garden variety niggers. The mental health was not a factor in his chimpout, now if you want to discuss the 2nd grade reading level when it’s in its 20s maybe you might get somewhere but this nigger is functioning perfectly normal for a factory default nigger.

Most single-mammy sows rush their butt nuggets to a doctor right after shitting them out to have them declared "Awtissic", for which they get GIBS. These gibs never stop.

Ray Cizzums
12-27-2023, 09:08 PM
Most single-mammy sows rush their butt nuggets to a doctor right after shitting them out to have them declared "Awtissic", for which they get GIBS. These gibs never stop.
SSI "krazy checks", for the chilluns. There was some sow in the Midwest, that had 8 retards, and was collecting $100K+ per year as a result.
One of their teachers said none of them were special needs - they were just stupid, and badly behaved.

Ray Cizzums
12-27-2023, 09:30 PM
This teacher should be able to retire in style with the school district and the judges that set this groid free on it's other charges paying her bills. For the media to be making her out to be a racist asshole for not giving an inch on the charges really highlights the values of the media society as a whole. If your not a nigger, our media AKA the communist propaganda arm, will make you out to be an enemy. Good luck to this poor lady I hope she heals up and then joins chimpout as therapy.

The taxpayers should not get a beating, while these two stank buffarillas skate :
Principal Brianna Foster-Newton :24097
"Dr." Ebony Parker, assistant principal :24099
These two fucking monkeys knew that little nigger had a gun. Not to mention, they gave the little bastard's mammy a job,
as a "Student Intervention Liaison", but she skipped work the day of the shooting. One look at the sow, and you know she taught
that little cocksucker to hate whitey, and shoot that gun.

12-27-2023, 11:10 PM
The taxpayers should not get a beating, while these two stank buffarillas skate :
Principal Brianna Foster-Newton :24097
"Dr." Ebony Parker, assistant principal :24099
These two fucking monkeys knew that little nigger had a gun. Not to mention, they gave the little bastard's mammy a job,
as a "Student Intervention Liaison", but she skipped work the day of the shooting. One look at the sow, and you know she taught
that little cocksucker to hate whitey, and shoot that gun.

This insane worship, coddling, and enabling of a low-IQ, violent, hypersexual, zero-impulse-control, criminal species has gone so far I can't see any way out of it.

Cover your eyes and ears, Libtards, and keep pretending they are just like us. Dress up the niggers, give them awards, titles, and offices, teach them how to speak intelligible English, and even make them President. Underneath all of that thin veneer of civilization, they are ALL like this and will never evolve past it:


Jim Crow
12-28-2023, 08:35 AM
Leaveit to nigger loving libs to villainize the victim.
The victim has all rights to be bitter at the beast who traumatized her foe life! It needs to rot in NU and worse than that!

12-28-2023, 08:53 AM
Most single-mammy sows rush their butt nuggets to a doctor right after shitting them out to have them declared "Awtissic", for which they get GIBS. These gibs never stop.

This is one of the best-known scams among those in the medical community. Everyone knows it's a scam but no one is allowed to say it for fear of being canceled for raciss.

Another popular scam for adult niggers is to claim they have fibromyalgia, which essentially can't be proven or disproven, so they can collect "disability" GIBS and not have to work. Just like the "awtissic" gibs, these gibs also never stop.