View Full Version : Nigger Shoot-em-up at Chicago Area Yoof Football Game

10-21-2023, 07:40 PM
The traditional football game is tarnished!!!

Not really. This just another case of niggers doing what niggers do.

One nigger got "too close" to another nigger, and shots rang out. Typical response.

Unfortunately no bat wings. No one was even hit. Also typical.


Ray Cizzums
10-21-2023, 11:58 PM
Lots of nigger troublemakers at high school and youth league football games. No metal detectors, plus large crowds, equals oppa-tunities
for "Looka me" nigger posing and marksmanship. Nigger standards for opening fire : "Disrespeck", wearing the wrong color, "eyeballing" someone....

10-22-2023, 10:45 AM
Being a game of rough play, there seems nothing quite like "feetsball" for bringing out the feral impulses in team nog.
Whether it be Pop Warner or the NFL, same sh*tskins , different league. When they retire they are then often on to sending their hard purchased mudsharks to the mortuary.

Niggers have added the extra component of keeping deadly weapons at hand at all times, for completely opposite reasons to why humans "carry" of course.

10-25-2023, 08:40 AM
Niggers need to stop playing at being human. They just can't keep up.