View Full Version : Police release footage of Quavi the she boon who pulled gun on Mickey D's drive thru over cheeseburger bundle

Whitey Ford
10-21-2023, 01:44 AM

Jim Crow
10-21-2023, 05:34 AM
Sherilla needs to be sent to the muthaland where it belongs.In Aperica killing each other over a meal is normal practice.

10-21-2023, 06:02 AM

From Florida zoo did that primate escape?!

10-21-2023, 07:10 AM
All the ' civility ' that has to be applied to niggers these days is insane. You wouldn't try to talk a chimp out of beating its chest would you ? This is where we're at now. Niggers will never behave unless they know the white man's stick is shadowing 6 inches above dem hedz.

10-21-2023, 11:46 AM
All the ' civility ' that has to be applied to niggers these days is insane. You wouldn't try to talk a chimp out of beating its chest would you ? This is where we're at now. Niggers will never behave unless they know the white man's stick is shadowing 6 inches above dem hedz.

No kidding! I bet they have to read "Miss Manners' Guide to Pampering Niggers" before they get a badge. It's mind-blowing watching them handle with kid gloves that mouthy, lying, violent sub-simian beast with its half-exposed hanging udders.

Sheboon should have been tased, taken to the ground, hog-tied, and gagged!

Niggers are dumb as fence posts, but cunning enough to know they are untouchable.

10-21-2023, 01:12 PM
First "dindu nuffin" at 2:30. It always comes out with niggers sooner or later (usually sooner).

YouTube loves to bombard me with "suggestions" for clickbait "Karen" videos (apparently, any white woman who gets arrested, whether it's justified or not, gets labeled a "Karen" these days). This sheboon is the epitome of a Karen, yet will never be labeled as one because of her UNEARNED BLACK PRIVILEGE.

CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE, niggers, and quit being such Karens.

10-21-2023, 01:48 PM
Imagine giving that filthy APE a concealed carry permit.... National suicide

10-21-2023, 03:56 PM
They made a small mistake on my BK order, so I went inside to politely complain about how they mixed up my sandwiches.
The manager just took a large fries and a double Whopper from a bad order and gave them to me, asking me will this do.
Sure, thanks, No guns or even bad words were used.
White peepul.

10-21-2023, 09:07 PM
Imagine giving that filthy APE a concealed carry permit.... National suicide

Concealed carry is for civilized humans! BAN guns for niggers, Muslims, or illegal aliens! #2ndAmendmentHumansOnly

10-22-2023, 02:23 AM
They made a small mistake on my BK order, so I went inside to politely complain about how they mixed up my sandwiches.
The manager just took a large fries and a double Whopper from a bad order and gave them to me, asking me will this do.
Sure, thanks, No guns or even bad words were used.
White peepul.

The America I remember was polite, clean, respectful, with cheerful customer service. While customers aren't always right, it used to be about rectifying a situation, or making it better. That's called a first world, first class culture and civilization.

40+ years later and niggers, border niggers, and sandniggers, are given equal rights, everything went down hill. It's a total nightmare to see the advancing decay.

10-22-2023, 07:18 AM
First "dindu nuffin" at 2:30. It always comes out with niggers sooner or later (usually sooner).

YouTube loves to bombard me with "suggestions" for clickbait "Karen" videos (apparently, any white woman who gets arrested, whether it's justified or not, gets labeled a "Karen" these days). This sheboon is the epitome of a Karen, yet will never be labeled as one because of her UNEARNED BLACK PRIVILEGE.

CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE, niggers, and quit being such Karens.

Actually dat sheboon beez a "karenisha!!"

10-22-2023, 07:20 AM
The America I remember was polite, clean, respectful, with cheerful customer service. While customers aren't always right, it used to be about rectifying a situation, or making it better. That's called a first world, first class culture and civilization.

40+ years later and niggers, border niggers, and sandniggers, are given equal rights, everything went down hill. It's a total nightmare to see the advancing decay.

That's why London is now "londonistan" and Dearborn, Michigan is "dearbornistan!!" Niggers and @$$lifter$ are WORSE THAN cockroaches!!!!

10-22-2023, 09:26 AM
Actually dat sheboon beez a "karenisha!!"


10-22-2023, 01:44 PM
This was a nigger's nigger. Every single stereotype reinforced, and then some.

Only a nigger would pull a gun at a fast food joint's drive through and then be totally surprised that police were called.

All things considered, we should have picked our own cotton!

10-22-2023, 02:01 PM
The America I remember was polite, clean, respectful, with cheerful customer service. While customers aren't always right, it used to be about rectifying a situation, or making it better. That's called a first world, first class culture and civilization.

40+ years later and niggers, border niggers, and sandniggers, are given equal rights, everything went down hill. It's a total nightmare to see the advancing decay.

not to mention being given OUR tax dollars, for cash, foo' skamps, subsidized/free housing, a license to steal and 0 dollar bail for criminal violence etc. ,
but if you don't come across with farty Joe's corrupt payments his crackhead son will crack your skull , and his new army of IRS agents
will spread your cheeks to find the cash to keep giving away

Ray Cizzums
10-22-2023, 03:21 PM
All the "jury", tatts, weave and krazy nails in the world isn't gonna help "Quavion" look human.
Showing off that blubber butt, and those droopy teats, by wearing skin tight clothes, should be considered
assault and battery. I'm pretty sure fast food drive thru personnel see niggers with guns in plain sight about
five times a day, so "Quavi" was obviously making threats. The cops looked at the video, then locked her fat
ass up. They don't even bother addressing claims of "dindu nuffin". That porker probably rolled in 10 minutes
before closing, and they had to cook her shit after everything was cleaned up for the night.