View Full Version : Alabama sows have no place to drop they niglets.

10-16-2023, 11:13 AM
By the end of the month, two Alabama hospitals will stop delivering babies. A third will follow suit a few weeks later.

That will leave two counties — Shelby and Monroe — without any birthing hospitals, and strip a predominantly Black neighborhood in Birmingham of a sought-after maternity unit.

After that, pregnant women in Shelby County will have to travel at least 17 miles farther to reach a hospital with an OB-GYN. And because the county, one of Alabama’s largest, is bordered by another whose hospital also lacks (https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/life-sciences-and-health-care/articles/march-of-dimes-maternity-care-deserts-dashboard.html) an obstetrics unit, some of those residents are also losing the closest place they could go to deliver their babies.

Maybe they can start handing out birth control to the over-sexed sows instead of helping them shit out more parasitic welfare deadbeats.


10-16-2023, 11:46 AM
Maybe they can start handing out birth control to the over-sexed sows instead of helping them shit out more parasitic welfare deadbeats.


That would be nice!!

Marse Igor
10-16-2023, 04:59 PM
Seems you can't pay Humans enough to handle those disgusting little 'bama oxygen stealers:

Monroe County Hospital, meanwhile, attributed the closure of its labor and delivery unit to a staffing shortage... “It seems no amount of money provided by the hospital board for the support of Labor and Delivery has been sufficient to maintain this service.

Niggers are Useless
10-16-2023, 05:16 PM
This is great news, humans are finally tired of caring for this subspecies. Good job Alabama healthcare humans. Unfortunately for all the firefighters and EMT's, Niggers will just shit out their sprogs in the easy chair at the welfare office and the EMT's and firefighters will have to handle it.
These niggers won't go to any trouble to themselves to travel, shit that's YT's problem to take care of them. Black lives Splatter will probably be all over this... LOL Not,. no money in it.
I hope this trends into something and more hospitals in the nigger infuxated areas follow suit.

10-16-2023, 05:20 PM
This is great news, humans are finally tired of caring for this subspecies. Good job Alabama healthcare humans. Unfortunately for all the firefighters and EMT's, Niggers will just shit out their sprogs in the easy chair at the welfare office and the EMT's and firefighters will have to handle it.
These niggers won't go to any trouble to themselves to travel, shit that's YT's problem to take care of them. Black lives Splatter will probably be all over this... LOL Not,. no money in it.
I hope this trends into something and more hospitals in the nigger infuxated areas follow suit.

Never mind easy chairs. We've seen putrid sows shitting out niglets on the street!

Ray Cizzums
10-16-2023, 06:12 PM
Maybe they can start handing out birth control to the over-sexed sows instead of helping them shit out more parasitic welfare deadbeats.

I see they need a Froggy Dolph's Family Planning Center or two, down there in 'bama. Maybe I should franchise the business.
Anybody can buy a woodchipper, or an electro-magnetic turdler catapult - but businesses are people, doing the job. I'm not sure
that my jungle-boot-to-the-ute technique can be taught, to the layman. It's the secret to my success. An ounce of prevention....

Whitey Ford
10-18-2023, 12:50 AM
This might be the time to free the wrongfully imprisoned Good Doctor Kermit Gosnell and let him continue his good work. ;)

10-18-2023, 11:08 AM
This might be the time to free the wrongfully imprisoned Good Doctor Kermit Gosnell and let him continue his good work. ;)

I just looked him up. Finally, a nigger who actually did something helpful and worthwhile. :lol

10-21-2023, 12:48 AM
Niggers will have to travel 17 miles (with whitey's taxpayer money) to burf their worthless turds! Oh, the (sub) humanity!

WHITE women in rural areas travel 50, 75, 100 miles to the nearest hospital on their OWN dime to have babies. But no one ever gives any sympathy to them.

Niggers are a subhuman race of fragile crybabies, and the only species lower than them are the white libtards who cry for them.

Jim Crow
10-21-2023, 05:42 AM
What do you mean they have no place to drop they nigglets? Last I heard Alabama had plenty of Septic tanks and land fills.

10-21-2023, 06:46 AM
Niggers will have to travel 17 miles (with whitey's taxpayer money) to burf their worthless turds! Oh, the (sub) humanity!

WHITE women in rural areas travel 50, 75, 100 miles to the nearest hospital on their OWN dime to have babies. But no one ever gives any sympathy to them.

Niggers are a subhuman race of fragile crybabies, and the only species lower than them are the white libtards who cry for them.


10-21-2023, 11:31 AM
Niggers will have to travel 17 miles (with whitey's taxpayer money) to burf their worthless turds! Oh, the (sub) humanity!

WHITE women in rural areas travel 50, 75, 100 miles to the nearest hospital on their OWN dime to have babies. But no one ever gives any sympathy to them.

Niggers are a subhuman race of fragile crybabies, and the only species lower than them are the white libtards who cry for them.

They'll get sympathy and outraged MSN headlines, but only if they're trannies or LGBT-whatever.

Defund Welfare
10-24-2023, 11:52 AM
This is pretty funny, as in the Nigwaukee area a bunch of niggers are crying about a pediatric clinic closing and whining about their need for care or some niggerbabble.
You see some niggerlovers throwing around the usual crap about racial differences in retardation, asthma, obesity, and lead poisoning(not the good kind) but the truth is that hospital workers have decided the niggercratic oath isn’t worth their lives! I really hope this is a continuing trend of hospitals in the hood finally packing their bags and leaving the niggers to their fate as nature intended.
Plus, for all the hate they throw at YT, why are they culturally aperopriating health care? Hire some witch doctors you racist niggers!

10-24-2023, 01:33 PM
Why not put them in here


10-24-2023, 10:49 PM
What do you mean they have no place to drop they nigglets? Last I heard Alabama had plenty of Septic tanks and land fills.

Amen to that!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-24-2023, 11:05 PM
Wat do they need hospitals for? I thought niglets just slid right out of those stretched out monkey makers. Think of all the unpaid medical bills these niggers inflict on us all. This is why healthcare is through the roof because of useless welfare niggers that don’t pay their bills.

Ray Cizzums
10-24-2023, 11:20 PM
Why not put them in here


"I've punted many a tar papoose into a 30 yarder" - Doc Cizzums