View Full Version : A white cop wearing this shirt with a Celtic Cross is racist..

07-30-2017, 08:23 PM

The black T-shirt has the Grim Reaper as its centerpiece, holding what appears to be a rifle with the District of Columbia flag attached. At the top is the words “powershift,” referring to officers assigned to a special unit that focuses on tough crime areas, and “Seventh District” below. The cross is embedded in the ‘o’ in “powershift.” According to the Anti-Defamation League, the same type of cross is the logo for the neo-Nazi website Stormfront.

It’s actually a Celtic cross that makes up the “O” in the word “Powershift” which is far from a symbol of hate. Just because some knuckleheaded racists use it, doesn’t mean that it’s a racist symbol. You know who else uses a Celtic cross. The Celts and 75% of all heavy metal bands with an “O” in their name. The KKK uses sheets, does that mean everyone else who uses sheets is a racist? Probably to liberals, but in reality it does not.

“This shirt is offensive and indicates systemic bias in the policing of people of color. White supremacy and insinuated threats of death should never be associated with or tolerated in police departments who are sworn to protect and serve,” said Law4BlackLives, a BLM group, in a statement.

