View Full Version : 'America does not deserve me.' Why Black people are leaving the United States

Whitey Ford
10-13-2023, 01:31 PM
'America does not deserve me.' Why Black people are leaving the United States


Filmmaker Jameelah Nuriddin was locked down in Los Angeles during the pandemic, watching as the nation convulsed in protest over the murder of George Floyd, when she had an epiphany: “America does not deserve me.”

As a Black woman, Nuriddin always tried to work twice as hard as those around her, thinking: "If I'm smart enough, pretty enough, successful enough ... then finally people will treat me as a human being."

But as she grieved yet another unarmed Black man killed by police, she decided she was done trying to prove herself to a society that she felt would never really love her back.

So Nuriddin, 39, packed her bags and left.

Often referred to as "Blaxit," which combines the words "Black" and "exit," the movement has been boosted by social media, where influencers share inspirational posts about their odysseys abroad and challenge others to join them.


10-13-2023, 02:10 PM
Let's hope this movement grows into a torrent. Those niggers will be back in 6 months. No Popeyes, no whitey to hate and no free shit. Life ain't worth living for a nigger without its essentials.

Jameelah Nuriddin

See how well that nig name travels with you coon.

Whitey Ford
10-13-2023, 02:43 PM
Let's hope this movement grows into a torrent. Those niggers will be back in 6 months. No Popeyes, no whitey to hate and no free shit. Life ain't worth living for a nigger without its essentials.

Actually, this is an apefirmative action she boon doing a token non-job remotely. Since she isn't being asked to do anything (besides provide diversity points) and 'works' remotely, she can actually get away with this. When the the gibs is free and they can "work" remotely, anything is possible.

She ended up in Costa Rica, in an idyllic beach town on the Caribbean coast that has become a hub for hundreds of Black expatriates fed up with life in the United States. She now spends her days working for U.S. clients from chic cafes, leading healing ceremonies at a local waterfall and trying to figure out who she is, exactly, outside of an American context.

Ahhhh beez workin' hard neckst to dis heeyah waterfall. :lol

"It's like leaving an abusive relationship," she said of exiting the United States.

I never really thought of abusing welfare, burning down cities, robbing likka stores and screaming raycisssm every five minutes as being abused. But, whatever. :lol

10-13-2023, 02:50 PM
Since she

It's ' IT ' Whitey, as in fucking thing. Niggers should never be labeled with a gender as you may ruin the buck or sow game ! :lol

Whitey Ford
10-13-2023, 03:01 PM
It's ' IT ' Whitey, as in fucking thing. Niggers should never be labeled with a gender as you may ruin the buck or sow game ! :lol

Buck or sow doesn't matter to a nature nigger.

Jameelah: I'm an Aboriginal woman from the southern U.S. I've been on a healing journey for decades. Our current society comes with its own trauma, and the road back to wholeness is through ourselves, community, and a somatic lens. I have a creative background as a filmmaker, artist, and performer. I later got into energy work and Indigenous wisdom, and I work a lot with kundalini energy, which is life force energy, just to help people find their path back to wholeness..

We wuzzz aborigines!

Jameelah: Sacred rage is about honoring the feminine rage in us all. It's suppressed and unexpressed, and when trapped, can become toxic. Society doesn't offer safe spaces for women to express rage. Anger serves a purpose; it signals a need for change.

Sacred rage? Is that what nature niggers call chimping out?




10-13-2023, 03:13 PM
That's what my dear old gran used to call niggers..." fucking things !! " - hating coons runs in the family :lol Miss you granny !

Niggers are Useless
10-13-2023, 05:37 PM
So now the niggers are going to ruin costa Rico also. I hope those salt water niggers there enjoy the Napa version. I bet they learn to hate the Napa as much as we do. Goodbye nigger take a couple million of your nigger frens with you also.

10-13-2023, 11:08 PM
Go far away from human lands, niggers. Maybe Papua New Guinea or the interior of Australia. Solitude for your kind, and go eat dirt. But the aboriginals may not like you too because your stink is really so sub-simian.

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-13-2023, 11:29 PM
Oh, if only all niggers would come to this conclusion.

Ray Cizzums
10-14-2023, 11:03 AM
The "Kundalini activation process" ? I've got one too, where I hang my size 14 boot, right in your Kundalini : 23561