View Full Version : Harvard Students Supporting Hamas

10-12-2023, 02:48 PM
Words fail me:

Meet the Harvard Students Supporting Hamas’ Invasion of Israel (https://townhall.com/tipsheet/john-hasson/2023/10/10/meet-the-harvard-students-supporting-hamas-invasion-of-israel-n2629626)

10-12-2023, 02:55 PM
Round them up, tie wrap their hands behind their backs and send them to the middle east shit hole they love so much.

10-12-2023, 11:29 PM
Bunch of good old American pie names there. You know there's trouble a-brewing when the country's oldest university, of immense prestige, let's muslins, terrorists, sand niggers,Pakis, Persians, cameljock and their allies enter their law school. This is why I don't want border niggers, fake asylum seekers, DACA, foreigners, in other words anyone who doesn't love the West to even be here.

The founding fathers unfortunately didn't write clues that excluded Muslims and middle eastern types who are not Christian. It was assumed this country was a mostly Protestant country, but never had elements of Islam. Relaxed that requirement, here we are, the same traitors that would fight against normal old school American values are getting a good legal education. No wonder we are fucked, the rot is within.

Good thing I heard though is these traitors are doxxed, and might as well change careers, because no law firm of repute will hire their camel asses. Of course though they can work for US Islam and Kebab stores, or the ACLU, or other BLM related liberal filth.

10-13-2023, 05:01 AM
Bunch of good old American pie names there. You know there's trouble a-brewing when the country's oldest university, of immense prestige, let's muslins, terrorists, sand niggers,Pakis, Persians, cameljock and their allies enter their law school. This is why I don't want border niggers, fake asylum seekers, DACA, foreigners, in other words anyone who doesn't love the West to even be here.

The founding fathers unfortunately didn't write clues that excluded Muslims and middle eastern types who are not Christian. It was assumed this country was a mostly Protestant country, but never had elements of Islam. Relaxed that requirement, here we are, the same traitors that would fight against normal old school American values are getting a good legal education. No wonder we are fucked, the rot is within.
You are absolutely right! The biggest mistake of all western countries was to assume Mohammedanism is just a "religion", but it's an evil ideology with the goal of world dominance. (And their 'holy books' don't hide that, and western people of the middle ages knew exaclty -> Spain, France, Italy... and still. Thank you GB!)

Good thing I heard though is these traitors are doxxed, and might as well change careers, because no law firm of repute will hire their camel asses. Of course though they can work for US Islam and Kebab stores, or the ACLU, or other BLM related liberal filth.

I hope you are right, but I wouldn't bet on it.

animal mother
10-13-2023, 09:02 AM
Guess who runs most of the big law firms, banks, Wall Street, hedge funds, etc. JEWS . If they had any sense at all they would not hire anyone from an Ivy League school since they just grind out mindless Marxist robots anyway. Actually this is true of almost all the colleges and universities today. Even the fucking medical schools have gone super woke.

10-13-2023, 04:47 PM
Guess who runs most of the big law firms, banks, Wall Street, hedge funds, etc. JEWS . If they had any sense at all they would not hire anyone from an Ivy League school since they just grind out mindless Marxist robots anyway. Actually this is true of almost all the colleges and universities today. Even the fucking medical schools have gone super woke.
That's one of the "chicken egg problems" that I still don’t really understand! Although I have been studying Marxism and the super-rich families for years to find out who is really pulling the strings (and what their motives are). I doubt it has something to do with religion, and lots of Jewish people suffer as well. On the other hand Marxism is mostly a thing of Jewish schoolars, and for example in Germany the Central Council of Jews (as well as the press, who is mostly owned by the global elite) are the biggest supporters of mass immigration of Asslifters. But I really doubt they truly believe they can establish a working communist state. Puzzling!

10-15-2023, 11:46 AM
You are absolutely right! The biggest mistake of all western countries was to assume Mohammedanism is just a "religion", but it's an evil ideology with the goal of world dominance. (And their 'holy books' don't hide that, and western people of the middle ages knew exaclty -> Spain, France, Italy... and still. Thank you GB!)

I hope you are right, but I wouldn't bet on it.

One of my FAVORITE periods of history is La Recinquista, which the Spaniards anihilated their goat f@cking @$$e$ and drove them out of Spain!! Of course, it took almost 800 years to drive them out!!

10-16-2023, 03:13 PM
One of my FAVORITE periods of history is La Recinquista, which the Spaniards anihilated their goat f@cking @$$e$ and drove them out of Spain!! Of course, it took almost 800 years to drive them out!!

Mine as well - and I don't even have Spanisch roots. But that's one of the few times in history were ass-lifters didn't win. And Spainiards remember! I very often notice in the news, that when Spanish police deletes a Sandnigger, they claim that a ladycop shot it. So, no imagined paradise for the beast. :D

10-16-2023, 03:25 PM
Mine as well - and I don't even have Spanisch roots. But that's one of the few times in history were ass-lifters didn't win. And Spainiards remember! I very often notice in the news, that when Spanish police deletes a Sandnigger, they claim that a ladycop shot it. So, no imagined paradise for the beast. :D

@$$lifter$ are still P@$$ED that they lost Al Andalus!!

10-16-2023, 03:27 PM
Mine as well - and I don't even have Spanisch roots. But that's one of the few times in history were ass-lifters didn't win. And Spainiards remember! I very often notice in the news, that when Spanish police deletes a Sandnigger, they claim that a ladycop shot it. So, no imagined paradise for the beast. :D

Also, many people think that the modern French are p@$$ie$ however we can THANK Charles Martel for defeating the bastards when they invaded France!! Today's French need to be like Martel, not macron!!

10-16-2023, 05:59 PM
Also, many people think that the modern French are p@$$ie$ however we can THANK Charles Martel for defeating the bastards when they invaded France!! Today's French need to be like Martel, not macron!!
You are absolutely correct! The thing is, just 100 years ago, everybody knew how evil and murderous Mohammedanism is. And being able to read was considered a virtue, so people actually read books like the Quran, and therefore knew the truth. These days, most people can hardly concentrate for more than one sentence. They believe every 'simple truth' some YouTube, Niggergram, Hollywood, or mainstream media celebrity tells them. We are doomed!

10-16-2023, 06:17 PM
You are absolutely correct! The thing is, just 100 years ago, everybody knew how evil and murderous Mohammedanism is. And being able to read was considered a virtue, so people actually read books like the Quran, and therefore knew the truth. These days, most people can hardly concentrate for more than one sentence. They believe every 'simple truth' some YouTube, Niggergram, Hollywood, or mainstream media celebrity tells them. We are doomed!

Sad but TRUE!!

10-16-2023, 06:54 PM
One of my FAVORITE periods of history is La Recinquista, which the Spaniards anihilated their goat f@cking @$$e$ and drove them out of Spain!! Of course, it took almost 800 years to drive them out!!

We need a Reconquista of America and all Western countries from muzzies, border niggers, and all the filth that contribute nothing to Western values. I thought the Spanish Reconquista actually took about 900 years, but we can probably do it in less time when and if we put our hearts and minds into it.

Tell your children not to be with any kind of nigger: blacks, border, sand, and other varieties. Look for suitable mates. Don't be with coward liberals. Whites who support their pets are the worst. Imagine, worshipping niggers.

Every day I see border niggers and niggers. That's CA for you. I won't be around for long though, I've lived 2/3 of my life already.

10-16-2023, 07:02 PM
We need a Reconquista of America and all Western countries from muzzies, border niggers, and all the filth that contribute nothing to Western values. I thought the Spanish Reconquista actually took about 900 years, but we can probably do it in less time when and if we put our hearts and minds into it.

Definitely! I'd say, give them e.g. 2...5 years to leave the country on their own. After that, they are fair game. (Perhaps even a few incentives, e.g. a tax-free year for removing one.)

10-16-2023, 09:13 PM
Definitely! I'd say, give them e.g. 2...5 years to leave the country on their own. After that, they are fair game. (Perhaps even a few incentives, e.g. a tax-free year for removing one.)

If citizens are given the power to round up invading border niggers, bring them to federal agents for deportation, I'm sure a lot would be willing to do so. Why not, our societies aren't for stealing and defiling.

10-17-2023, 07:01 AM
We need a Reconquista of America and all Western countries from muzzies, border niggers, and all the filth that contribute nothing to Western values. I thought the Spanish Reconquista actually took about 900 years, but we can probably do it in less time when and if we put our hearts and minds into it.

Tell your children not to be with any kind of nigger: blacks, border, sand, and other varieties. Look for suitable mates. Don't be with coward liberals. Whites who support their pets are the worst. Imagine, worshipping niggers.

Every day I see border niggers and niggers. That's CA for you. I won't be around for long though, I've lived 2/3 of my life already.

Brother, you've got to LEAVE commiefornia!! Gavin "hair gel" newsome is a JOKE!! The dhimmirats have DESTROYED California!! Come to Florida, you will LOVE it here!! JUst stay away from the nigger fuxated areas like, nigmami, tampon and whorelando!! And you are right, we need an American Reconquista!! Ron DeSantis is off to an EXCELLENT start!! He turned Florida from purple to RED and I hope that that trend continues!!