View Full Version : Nigger and his Asian MudPanda bring their badly beaten, bitten sproglet with broken bones to the E.R.

Whitey Ford
10-10-2023, 11:14 PM
Arizona couple arrested after newborn hospitalized with broken bones, bite marks


According to court documents, detectives responded to Phoenix Children's Hospital on Aug. 1 after a two-month-old was brought to the hospital with several fractures and bite marks on an arm and a leg. The child's parents, 24-year-old James Lawson III and 21-year-old Stephanie Komphabay, were interviewed but reportedly couldn't explain the child's injuries.

Investigators obtained a search warrant on Lawson's and Komphabay's cell phones and found pictures of injuries to the child dating back to July 1.

"These injuries consisted of bruises to the face, swelling to an eye, bloody lip, and an abrasion on the forehead," court documents read.

Nigger parenting 101.

Investigators say after examining the data on Lawson's phone, he had previously searched "If you choke baby hit the head get lump" and "can you put ice on newborn head." Lawson allegedly claimed that the injuries were from the child "fighting him and scratching herself."

Before the newborn was brought to Phoenix Children's on Aug. 1, Komphabay took the child to a pediatrician for a swollen leg. While at the pediatrician's office, Lawson allegedly told Komphabay "do not tell anyone" and to "keep her mouth shut" regarding the child's injuries.


I aint bin dun did dat!
10-10-2023, 11:46 PM
The sprog’s bones only broke because it wasn’t full blooded nigger. A purebred (foulbred?) nigger sprog at 2 months old has already matured to a 5 year old human’s physique and would have had thick enough bones for “nig daddy playtime”. This can include being stomped on, thrown at the wall, punched, kicked, choked out and apparently a little biting is fair game as well. Looks like the lil niggy baby will live on to be batwinged another day when diddy gets out in 6 months.

Ray Cizzums
10-11-2023, 08:37 AM
Blacks and Asians should not make babies. The resulting mixaloid sprogs are hideous, and are unwanted by either race.

10-11-2023, 09:20 AM
Well this thread marks a new chapter in the book of niggerology for me... of course they had to be out there, but most Asians want nothing to do with niggers.

This chick must be retarded or something, or either adopted from BFChina, and raised by self hating YT libturds.

The MudPanda... hella funny.... :lmao

10-12-2023, 03:08 PM
broken bones, bite marks
Hmm, niggers that are even too stupid to prepare a proper ghetto-lobster. Cook it before you eat it, niggers!

10-12-2023, 05:24 PM
Blacks and Asians should not make babies. The resulting mixaloid sprogs are hideous, and are unwanted by either race.

And that's no lie. This Osaka mutt is proof:


animal mother
10-12-2023, 06:45 PM
Blacks and Asians should not make babies. The resulting mixaloid sprogs are hideous, and are unwanted by either race.

Let’s not forget about Tiger Woods.

Ray Cizzums
10-12-2023, 09:32 PM
And that's no lie. This Osaka mutt is proof:

Not even their male counterparts, a.k.a. Blackie Chan and Bruce Leroy, want anything to do with such a she-beast. Pan face and wild wool -
not an attractive combination. They should make a monster movie, with Osaka and Serena Gorriliams, where they both rise out of Tokyo bay,
pull each other's hair, and throw wild punches. Osaka rips Serena's balls off, and she goes back to Africa....

Ray Cizzums
10-12-2023, 09:34 PM
Let’s not forget about Tiger Woods.
I believe it's spelled Tigger.....

10-12-2023, 11:06 PM
They should make a monster movie, with Osaka and Serena Gorriliams, where they both rise out of Tokyo bay,
pull each other's hair, and throw wild punches. Osaka rips Serena's balls off, and she goes back to Africa....

Alas, let us not discount Serena Godzilliam having the stankest monkey bref the savannah can provide, the secret weapon that expels whenever its ballbag gets tugged !!

10-12-2023, 11:13 PM
Not even their male counterparts, a.k.a. Blackie Chan and Bruce Leroy, want anything to do with such a she-beast. Pan face and wild wool -
not an attractive combination. They should make a monster movie, with Osaka and Serena Gorriliams, where they both rise out of Tokyo bay,
pull each other's hair, and throw wild punches. Osaka rips Serena's balls off, and she goes back to Africa....

That would be horrific indeed. Those two sow-bucks are stuff of nightmares.


10-12-2023, 11:18 PM
Asian mudshark has a Thai or Malaysian last name. I presume Leroy was a doctor and sheeeit. That's what attracted it to it.
Or maybe it was gregarious and industrious. Or a drug dealer.
When will she pay toll, I wouldn't know

10-13-2023, 07:43 AM
Hmm, niggers that are even too stupid to prepare a proper ghetto-lobster. Cook it before you eat it, niggers!

They had to tenderize it FIRST!!

10-13-2023, 09:45 AM
Asian mudshark has a Thai or Malaysian last name. I presume Leroy was a doctor and sheeeit. That's what attracted it to it.
Or maybe it was gregarious and industrious. Or a drug dealer.
When will she pay toll, I wouldn't know

Yeah, I was thinking Thai. Doesn't this girl have a family? Maybe they disowned her in disgust when she started rutting with that pavement ape.

10-13-2023, 10:46 AM
Blacks and Asians should not make babies. The resulting mixaloid sprogs are hideous, and are unwanted by either race.

Blacks and Asians should not make babies??? BLACKS AND BLACKS SHOULD NOT MAKE BABIES.....! Mass irradiation is the answer!!!

10-13-2023, 11:31 AM
This reminds me of an oft-told story of my return to Saipan... I was staying at this dive hotel for ~$35 a night and next door was a 'MudPanda' with her pathetic sprog. This niglet was maybe 4 years old and simply terrorized the entire floor. This was a tropical lo-cal so the 'hallways' surrounded the building and were open-air. The little coon would take things from the hotel room and throw them down on passers by, below (see pic). 'Mom' was both embarrassed and very angry at the little shitlet and would BEAT the crap out of the mutant. The walls were cement but you heard every slap and scream. The Chinese do NOT fuck around. I must say, the creature took a beating. Anyway, I witnessed this for the week or 10 days before I locked in a decent apartment.

Months later there was an article in the local paper about a woman who was charged with child endangerment or some such thing and low and behold, it was the MudPanda's pic right up there. As the story goes, she walked into the jungle with the little beast and came out alone. Carcass never found. Anyway, as memory serves, she was arraigned and released. She later hopped a fight back to the Homeland and was never seen or heard from again.

And either was the shitlit....


10-13-2023, 04:16 PM
They had to tenderize it FIRST!!

Haha, true! And then they probably realized they didn't pay the electricity bill, so no cooking. Niggers simply fail at everything!

10-13-2023, 05:03 PM
This reminds me of an oft-told story of my return to Saipan... I was staying at this dive hotel for ~$35 a night and next door was a 'MudPanda' with her pathetic sprog. This niglet was maybe 4 years old and simply terrorized the entire floor. This was a tropical lo-cal so the 'hallways' surrounded the building and were open-air. The little coon would take things from the hotel room and throw them down on passers by, below (see pic). 'Mom' was both embarrassed and very angry at the little shitlet and would BEAT the crap out of the mutant. The walls were cement but you heard every slap and scream. The Chinese do NOT fuck around. I must say, the creature took a beating. Anyway, I witnessed this for the week or 10 days before I locked in a decent apartment.

Months later there was an article in the local paper about a woman who was charged with child endangerment or some such thing and low and behold, it was the MudPanda's pic right up there. As the story goes, she walked into the jungle with the little beast and came out alone. Carcass never found. Anyway, as memory serves, she was arraigned and released. She later hopped a fight back to the Homeland and was never seen or heard from again.

And either was the shitlit....


So the nigger baby daddy abandoned her and the fruit of his loins? Unbelievable. 23552

10-13-2023, 10:23 PM
So the nigger baby daddy abandoned her and the fruit of his loins? Unbelievable. 23552

As I was hitting the 'submit' button, it occured to me I made no mention of the radiator hose... I immediately thought better of it cuz it's crystal clear to everyone here EXACTLY what happened...


10-14-2023, 02:57 AM
This reminds me of an oft-told story of my return to Saipan... I was staying at this dive hotel for ~$35 a night and next door was a 'MudPanda' with her pathetic sprog. This niglet was maybe 4 years old and simply terrorized the entire floor. This was a tropical lo-cal so the 'hallways' surrounded the building and were open-air. The little coon would take things from the hotel room and throw them down on passers by, below (see pic). 'Mom' was both embarrassed and very angry at the little shitlet and would BEAT the crap out of the mutant. The walls were cement but you heard every slap and scream. The Chinese do NOT fuck around. I must say, the creature took a beating. Anyway, I witnessed this for the week or 10 days before I locked in a decent apartment.

Months later there was an article in the local paper about a woman who was charged with child endangerment or some such thing and low and behold, it was the MudPanda's pic right up there. As the story goes, she walked into the jungle with the little beast and came out alone. Carcass never found. Anyway, as memory serves, she was arraigned and released. She later hopped a fight back to the Homeland and was never seen or heard from again.

And either was the shitlit....


A truly heartwarming tale of nigger polluted families working it out for the good of all concerned...:lol

and she lived happily ever after, how could she not ?