View Full Version : Decades Old Cold Cases of a White Teenage Girl & a Young Mother Raped & Murdered Finally Solved, Perps Are Niggers. Surprised?

10-09-2023, 04:34 PM
The poor teenager who was raped & murdered in her granny's house had nigger pubes and sperm on her, besides getting her spine sliced through with a knife. But asshole locals still blamed her kid sister for the mere fact she was next door and didn't show emotion at her sis's funeral, ignoring all the evidence that clearly pointed to a rape ape. :gorilla
And this happened in a small town in North Carolina, not some libtarded shithole like faerie filled San Francisco.
Both rape apes were finally tracked down with DNA. But both niggers croaked before they were brought to trial.

10-10-2023, 03:09 AM

Ray Cizzums
10-10-2023, 10:18 AM
A new kind of cop show should be made, the main character being the great, great grandson of Sherlock Holmes. He looks for the obvious,
where others feign ignorance. Who dunnit you say ? Take a guess, morons. Holmes first questions - were there any niggers afoot ? Was any
wool found at the scene ? Newport cigarette butt, and a grape drank carton you say ? My dear Watson, niggers did it ! The scripts would write
themselves, and there would be an instant cult following....

Whitey Ford
10-10-2023, 12:47 PM
A new kind of cop show should be made, the main character being the great, great grandson of Sherlock Holmes. He looks for the obvious,
where others feign ignorance. Who dunnit you say ? Take a guess, morons. Holmes first questions - were there any niggers afoot ? Was any
wool found at the scene ? Newport cigarette butt, and a grape drank carton you say ? My dear Watson, niggers did it ! The scripts would write
themselves, and there would be an instant cult following....

Well, half Sherlock Holmes and Judge Dredd.
Judge Dredd was a cop who could also pass sentence on the criminal and then carry out the sentence on the spot. This way a rape/murdernigger caught in the act by a Judge, could be sentenced to death for his heinous crimes on the spot and then batwinged. This would save a lot of money, time and trouble.